Volume Calculation - Online Quiz


Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Volume Calculation. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - The length, expansiveness and tallness of a cuboid are in the proportion 6:5:4 and its entire surface region is 33300 cm2. Its volume is:

A - 45000 cm3

B - 405000 cm3

C - 455000 cm3

D - information deficient

Answer : B


Let length = 6x cm, breadth = 5x cm and height = 4x cm
Whole surface area = 2(lb+ bh + lh)
=2 (6x*5x + 5x *4x + 6x *4x) cm2 = (148x2) cm2
∴148x2= 33300 ⇒x2 = 225 ⇒x = √225 = 15 cm
∴L= 90 cm   , B= 75 cm and h= 60 cm
∴Volume = (L*b*h) = (90*75*60) =405000cm3

Q 2 - A rectangular tank is 225m by 162 m at the base. With what pace must water stream into it through an opening 60cm by 45 cm that the level may be brought 20cm up in 5 hours?

A - 5000 m/hr

B - 5200 m/hr

C - 5400 m/hr

D - 5600 m/hr

Answer : C


Volume of water flown in 5hrs.= (225*162*20/100)= 7290 m3
Let the speed of the water be x meter /hr.
Water flown in 5 hrs.  =(x*60/100*45/100*5) m3= (27x/20) m3
∴ 27x/20= 7290 ⇒ (7290*20/27) m = 5400m /hr.

Q 3 - The measurements of a cuboid are a, b,c units, its volume is V cubic units and its entire surface zone is S sq. units. At that point, 1/V=?

A - S/2(a+b+c)

B - 2/S(1/a + 1/b+ 1/c)

C - 2S(a+b+c)

D - 2S/(a+b+c)

Answer : B


1/V =(1/S*S/V) = 2(ab+bc+ca)/s*abc=   2/S(1/a+1/b+1/c)

Q 4 - The result of the regions of three neighboring countenances of a rectangular box is equivalent to:

A - The volume of the container

B - twice of the volume of the crate

C - The square of the volume of the container

D - block foundation of the volume of the crate

Answer : C


Product of areas of 3 adjacent faces = (Lb*bh*Lh)
=(L2*b2*h2) = (L*b*h) 2= V2

Q 5 - The region of three contiguous appearances of a cuboid are in the proportion 2:3:4 and its volume is 9000 cm3. The littlest side has a length of:

A - 10 cm

B - 15 cm

C - 20 cm

D - 30 cm

Answer : B


Let the area of the three adjacent faces be 2x, 3x and 4x then,
Lb= 2x, bh= 3x and Lh= 4x
∴ (Lb*bh*Lh) = 24x3 ⇒ (Lbh) 2 =(9000) 2= 81000000
⇒x3= 81000000/24= 27000000/8 ⇒x = 300/2= 150
∴ Lb= 300, bh =450 and Lh= 600 and Lbh= 9000
∴ h = 9000/300= 30cm, L= 9000/450 = 20cm, b= 9000/600= 15cm
Smallest side = 15 cm

Q 6 - The volume of a cuboid is twice that of a solid shape. On the off chance that the measurement of the cuboid is (9cm *8 cm* 6cm), the aggregate surface region of the block is:

A - 72 cm2

B - 216 cm2

C - 108 cm2

D - 432 cm2

Answer : B


2*volume of cube= volume of cuboid= (9*8*6) cm3
Volume of cube = (1/2 *9*8*6) cm3= 216cm3
∴ a3= 216 = (6) 3 ⇒a =6 cm
Total surface area = 6a2 = (6*6*6) cm2= 216cm2

Q 7 - A rectangular box measure s inside 1.6 m long, 1m expansive and 60 cm profound. The no. of cubical obstructs each of edge 20 cm that can be pressed inside the crate, is:

A - 30

B - 53

C - 60

D - 120

Answer : D


Required no. = (160*100*60)/ (20*20*20) = 120

Q 8 - If the tallness of a barrel is expanded by 15% and the span of the base is diminished by 10%, then by what percent will its bended surface region change?

A - 3.5 % diminished

B - 3.5% expansion

C - 5% diminish

D - 5% expansion

Answer : B


Let the original radius =r and height = h
Then curved surface area = 2πrh
New height = 115% of h = (115/100*h) = 23h/20
New radius = 90% of r = (90/100*r) = 9r/10
New curved surface area = (2π*9r/10*23h/20) = 207πrh/100
Increase = (207πrh/100-2 πrh) = 7 πrh/100
Increase %= (7 πrh/100*1/2 πrh*100) %= 3.5%

Q 9 - The bended surface zone of a round column is 528m2 and its volume is 2772 m3. The tallness of the column is:

A - 10.5 m

B - 7.5 m

C - 8 m

D - 5.25 m

Answer : C


2πrh= 528 and πr2h= 2772
Πr2h/2πrh= 2772/528= 21/4⇒r = (21/4*2) = 21/2 m
∴2*22/7*21/2*h= 528 ⇒h =528/66= 8m

Q 10 - The proportion of aggregate surface territory and the parallel surface zone of a chamber whose sweep is 80 cm and stature 20 cm are:

A - 2:1

B - 3:1

C - 4:1

D - 5:1

Answer : D


r =80cm and h= 20cm
Total surface area/ lateral surface area = 2πr (h+r)/ 2πrh = (h+r)/h
= (20+80)/20 =100/20 =5:1