Chain Rules - Online Quiz


Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Chain Rules. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - If 4/5th of a cistern is filled in 1 minute, how much more time will be required to fill the rest of it?

A - 20 seconds

B - 15 seconds

C - 12 seconds

D - 10 seconds

Answer : B


Let the required time be x seconds.
Part filled = 4/5, Remaining part = (1- 4/5 ) = 1/5.
Less  part to be filled , less is the time taken     (direct)
4/5 :1/5 :: 60 : x ⇒ 4/5 * x = (1/5 * 60 ) = 12 ⇒ x= (12 * 5/4 ) = 15.
Required time = 15 seconds.

Q 2 - 3 men or 5 women can finish a piece of work in 12 days. How long will 6 men and 5 women take to finish the work?

A - 4 days

B - 10 days

C - 15 days

D - 20 days

Answer : A


3 men = 5 women ⇒ 6 men =10 women
⇒ (6 men +5 women )= 15 women.
Let the required number  of days be x.
More women , less days      (Indirect)
15 : 5 :: 12 :  x ⇒ 15x = (5* 12 ) ⇒ x= (5*12)/15 = 4 days

Q 3 - If 12 men or 18 women can do a piece of work in 14 days , how long will 8 men and 16 women take to finish the work?

A - 9 days

B - 10 days

C - 12 days

D - 14 days

Answer : A


12 men = 18  women ⇒ 1 man = 18/12 women
⇒ 8 men = (18/12 * 8) women = 12 women
⇒ (8 men + 16 women ) = 28 women
Let the required number of days be x.
More women, less days         (Indirect)
28: 18:: 14 : x ⇒ 28x = (18*14 ) ⇒ x= (18 *14) / 28 = 9days

Q 4 - 8 men can finish a piece of work in 40 days . If 2 more men join with them , then the work will be completed in?

A - 30 days

B - 32 days

C - 36 days

D - 25 days

Answer : B


Let  10 men finish it in x days.
More men, less days     (Indirect)
10 : 8 :: 40 : x ⇒ 10x = (8 * 40 ) ⇒ x = (8*40) /10 = 32 days.

Q 5 - In a barrack of soldiers there was stock of food for 190 days for 4000 soldiers.After 30 days , 800 soldiers left the barrack. For how many days shall the left over Food last for the remaining soldiers?

A - 175 days

B - 200 days

C - 225 days

D - 250 days

Answer : B


Remaining food was sufficient for 4000 soldiers for 160 days.
Remaining   soldiers = ( 4000- 800) = 3200.
Let the required number of days  be x .
Less soldiers, more days    (Indirect)
3200 : 4000 :: 160  : x⇒ 3200 x = (4000 * 160 ) ⇒ x = (4000 * 160)/3200 = 200 days.

Q 6 - A garrison of 3300 men had provisions for 32 days , when given at the rate of 850 gm per head . At the end of 7 days , a reinforcement arrived and it was found that the provisions would last 17 days more , when given at the rate of 825 gm per head . What was the strength of the reinforcement?

A - 1500

B - 1600

C - 1700

D - 1800

Answer : C


Let the required strength of reinforcement be x.
3300 men had provisions for (32-7 ) = 25 days.
Less food per head , more persons    (Indirect)
Less days , more persons         (Indirect)
Food per days  825 : 850
:: 3300 : (3300  x )
Days          17 : 25
∴ 825 * 17 * (3300 + x ) = 850 * 25 * 3300
⇒ ( 3300 + x ) = 850 * 25 * 3300/825 * 17 = 5000 ⇒ x = ( 5000 - 3300) = 1700 men.

Q 7 - If 6 persons working 8 hours a day earn Rs 16800 per week , then 9 persons working 6 hours a day will earn per week?

A - Rs 17800

B - Rs 18900

C - Rs 19200

D - Rs 26800

Answer : B


Let the required earning  be Rs x.
More persons , more earning      ( Direct)
Less hrs per day, less earning      ( Direct)
Persons   6:9
:: 16800 : x
Hrs / day      8 : 6
(6 * 8 *x ) = ( 9 * 6 * 16800) = X =9 * 6 * 16800/ 6 *8  = 18900.

Q 8 - If 18 binders bind 9000 books in 10 days , how many binders will be required to bind 6600 books in 12 days?

A - 55

B - 14

C - 13

D - 11

Answer : D


Let the required number of binders be x.
Less books, less binders   (direct)
More days, less binders    (Indirect)
Books 9000:6600
Days   12:10                   :: 18 : x
∴ (9000* 12*x) = (6600 * 10 *18)⇒ x= 6600 * 10 *18/9000 *12 = 11

Q 9 - If a certain number of workmen can be a piece of work in 25 days , in what time will another set of an equal number of men do a piece of work twice as great , supposing that 2 of the first set can do as much work in an hour as 3 of the second set can do in an hour

A - 60 days

B - 75 days

C - 90 days

D - 105 days

Answer : B


Let the required time be x days  .
Ratio of their speed = 1/2 : 1/3.
More work , more time    (Direct)
Less speed, more work    (Indirect)
Work 1:2                      :: 25:x
Speed 1/3 : 1/2 
∴ (1* 1/3 *x) = 2 *1/2 *25 ⇒ x=75days.

Q 10 - A contractor undertakes to do a piece of work in 40 days . He engages 100 men at the beginning and 100 more after 35 days and complete the work in stipulated time. If he had not engaged the additional men, how many days behind schedule would it be finished?

A - 5

B - 6

C - 3

D - 9

Answer : A


[(100 *35 ) + (200 *5)] men can finish the work in 1 day.
4500 men can finish it in 1 day
∴ men can finish it in 4500/100 days = 45 days.
This is 5 days behind schedule.