Discounts - Solved Examples


Q 1 - Find the P.W. of Rs. 9920 due 3 years at 8% p.a.

A - Rs 7000

B - Rs 8000

C - Rs 6000

D - Rs 7000

Answer - B


P.W.= ((100 x Amount))/(100+(R x T))
= Rs {(100 x 9920)/(100 (3 x 8))}
= Rs  (100 x 9920)/124 
= Rs 8000

Q 2 - The genuine rebate on a bill due 9 months consequently at 6% for each annum is Rs. 180. Discover its present worth.

A - Rs 4000

B - Rs 5000

C - Rs 3000

D - Rs 6000

Answer - A


P.W. = ((100 x T.D.))/((R x T))
= Rs {(100 x 180)/(6 x 3/4)}
= Rs 4000

Q 3 - The genuine markdown on a sure total of cash due 3 years consequently is Rs 200 and the straightforward enthusiasm on the some aggregate for the same time and at the same guideline is Rs. 240. Discover the aggregate and the rate percent.

A - Rs 1200

B - Rs 1000

C - Rs 1200

D - Rs 1000

Answer - A


T.D = Rs 200 and S.I. = Rs 240 
Sum due = (S .I. x T.D.)/(S.I.-T.D.) 
= Rs ((240 x 200))/((240-200))
= Rs 1200

Q 4 - The genuine rebate on Rs 1860 due after a sure time at 5% p.a. is Rs. 60. Discover the time after which it is expected.

A - 10 months

B - 8 months

C - 7 months

D - 6 months

Answer - B


P.W. = (Amount)-(T.D.) 
= Rs (1860-60) 
= Rs 1800 
T.D. is S.I. on P.W. 
Rs. 60 is S.I. on Rs 1800 at 5% p.a. 
Time = ((100 x 60))/((5 x 1800)) years 
= 2/3 years 
= 2/3 x 12 months 
= 8 months

Q 5 - Find the rebate on Rs. 9920 due 3 years at 8% p.a.

A - Rs 1720

B - Rs 1820

C - Rs 1920

D - Rs 1220

Answer - C


P.W.= ((100 x Amount))/(100+(R x T))
= Rs {(100 x 9920)/(100 (3 x 8))}
= Rs  (100 x 9920)/124 
= Rs 8000
T.D. = (Amount)-(P.W.)
= Rs (9920-8000)
= Rs 1920

Q 6 - The genuine rebate on a bill due 9 months consequently at 6% for each annum is Rs. 180. Discover the charge's measure.

A - Rs 4180

B - Rs 3180

C - Rs 2180

D - Rs 1180

Answer - A


P.W. = ((100 x T.D.))/((R x T))
= Rs {(100 x 180)/(6 x 3/4)}
= Rs 4000
Sum = (P.W.+T.D.) 
= Rs (4000+180) 
= Rs 4180 

Q 7 - The genuine markdown on a sure total of cash due 3 years consequently is Rs 200 and the straightforward enthusiasm on the some aggregate for the same time and at the same guideline is Rs. 240. Discover the rate percent.

A - 50/3% p.a

B - 40/3% p.a

C - 10/3% p.a

D - 20/3% p.a

Answer - D


T.D = Rs 200 and S.I. = Rs 240 
Sum due = (S .I. x T.D.)/(S.I.-T.D.) 
= Rs ((240 x 200))/((240-200))
= Rs 1200
T.D is S.I. on the sum. 
Rs. 240 is S.I. on Rs 1200 for a long time. 
R= ((100 x 240))/((1200 x 3))% p.a.
= 20/3% p.a

Q 8 - The genuine markdown on Rs 2575 due 4 months thus is Rs. 75. Discover the rate of hobby.

A - 6% p.a.

B - 7% p.a.

C - 8% p.a.

D - 9% p.a.

Answer - D


Amount = Rs 2575, T=4/12 years = 1/3 years, T.D = Rs. 75 
P.W. = (Amount) - (T.D.) = Rs (2575-75) = 2500. 
T.D. Is S.I. on P.W. 
R.s 75 is S.I. on Rs. 2500 or 1/3 years
Rate = ((100x75)/(2500x1/3))% p.a. = 9% p.a.

Q 9 - The genuine rebate on a bill due 10 months consequently at 6% p.a. is Rs 26.25. Discover the charge's measure.

A - Rs 451.25

B - Rs 551.25

C - Rs 351.25

D - Rs 251.25

Answer - B


T.D. = Rs 26.25, T = 10/12  year=  5/6  year,R=6% p.a.
Let P.W. be Rs x. Then,
S.I. on Rs x at 6% p.a. for 5/6 year is Rs. 26.25
∴  (x * 6 * 5/6)/100 = 25.25 
=> x= (26.25 * 20) = 525
∴  (P.W.) + (T.D.) = Rs. (525+26.25) = Rs 551.25

Q 10 - The contrast between the S.I. what's more, T.D. on a sure whole of cash for 6 months at 6% p.a. is Rs. 27. Discover the total.

A - 32900

B - 30900

C - 31900

D - 33900

Answer - B


S.I. = Rs. (x * 6 * 1/2)/100 
= Rs. 3x/100 and T.D. 
= Rs {(x * 78/12)/(100+(6 * 6/12) )}
= Rs. 3x/103
∴ 3x/100-3x/103 = 27 
=> (309x-300x) = (27 * 100 * 103)
=> x = ((27*100*103))/9 
= 30900