Aptitude - Profit & Loss Online Quiz


Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Profit & Loss. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - A book shop offers a book at an increase of 10%. On the off chance that he had purchased it at 4% less and sold it for Rs. 6 more, he would have picked up 75/4 %. The expense cost of the book is:

A - 130

B - 140

C - 150

D - 160

Answer : C


Let the C.P. be Rs x.Then, S.P. =Rs (110/100 * x) =Rs 11x/10.
New C.P. = 96% of Rs x=Rs (96/100 * x) =Rs 24x/25.
New S.P. =Rs (11x/10+6).
∴ (11x/10+6) =475/4% of  24x/25⇒11x+60/10=475/400*24x/25=57x/50
∴ C.P. =Rs 150.

Q 2 - Mohan purchased 20 feasting tables for rs. 12000 and sold them at a benefit equivalent to the offering cost of 4 eating tables. The offering cost of every eating table is:

A - 700

B - 750

C - 725

D - 775

Answer : B


C.P of each table = rs. (12000/20) = rs. 600
(S.P of 20 tables)- (C.P of 20% table) = profit = S.P of 4 tables
⇒S.P of 16 tables = C.P of 20 tables= 1200
⇒ S.P of 1 table = (12000/16) = R.s 750

Q 3 - On offering an article at a sure value, a man increases 10%. On offering the same articles at twofold value, pick up percent is:

A - 20%

B - 100%

C - 120%

D - 140%

Answer : C


Let the First S.P be Rs. x, gain%= 10%
∴   C.P   =   (100/110*X) = Rs. 10x/11, new S.P = Rs. 2x
Gain = Rs. (2x-10X/11) = Rs. 12x/11
Gain% = (12x/11 *11/10x*100) % = 120%

Q 4 - The benefit earned subsequent to offering an article for Rs. 625 is same as misfortune Caused subsequent to offering the articles for Rs. 435.The expense cost of the articles is:

A - 520

B - 530

C - 540

D - 550

Answer : B


Let the C.P be Rs. x . Then,
625-x = x-435 ⇒ 2x = 1060 ⇒ x= 530
∴ C.P = Rs. 530

Q 5 - A person incurs 10% loss by selling a refrigerator for Rs 5400. At what price should the refrigerator be sold to earn 10% profit?

A - 5700

B - 6000

C - 6300

D - 6600

Answer : D


SP=5400 X  (110)/90=6600.

Q 6 - A vendor bought toffees at 8 for one rupee. How many for a rupee must he sell to gain 25%?

A - 16

B - 14

C - 12

D - 10

Answer : D


C.P. of 8 toffees = Re. 1
S.P. of 8 toffees = 125% of Re. 1 = Rs 1.25=5/4
For Rs5/4 toffees sold = 8.
For Re. 1, toffees sold =8x( 5)/( 4)=10.

Q 7 - The aggregate expense cost of two watches is R. 840. One is sold at a benefit of 16% and the other at lost 12%. There is no misfortune or addition in the entire exchange. The expense cost of the watch on which the businessperson additions, is:

A - 360

B - 370

C - 380

D - 390

Answer : A


Let their C.P be rs. x and Rs. (840-x) resp. Then,
(116/100*x) + 88/100*(840-x) ⇒ 29x/25+ (22 (840-x)/25) = 840
⇒ (29x-22x) + 18480 =21000 ⇒ 7x =2520
∴ Required C.P = Rs. 360

Q 8 - Three no. are in the proportion 3:4:5. The total of the biggest and the littlest measures up to the third's entirety and 52. The littlest no. is?

A - 20

B - 27

C - 39

D - 52

Answer : C


Let the numbers be 3x, 4x and 5x.
(5x+3x) = 4x+52  
=>  4x =52 
=>  x=13
  Smallest no. = (3*13) = 39

Q 9 - A merchant purchases an article stamped at Rs 25000 with 20% and 5% off. He spends Rs 1000 on its repairs and offers it for Rs 25000. What is his addition or misfortune percent?

A - Loss of 25%

B - Gain of 25%

C - Gain of 10%

D - Loose of 10%

Answer : B


C.P = (95% of 80% of Rs. 25000)+(1000)
= Rs. {(95/100*80/100*25000)+1000}= Rs. 20000.
∴  C.P.=Rs 20000 and S.P.=Rs 25000.
Gain %=(5000/20000*100)%=25%.

Q 10 - A organization offers three sorts of progressive rebates. First: 25%, Furthermore, 15%, second: 30% and 10%, third: 35% and 5%. Which offer is better for a client?

A - First

B - second

C - third

D - all are similarly great

Answer : C


Let the M.P be Rs. 100.
1st payment = 75% of 85% of rs. 100
= rs. (75/100*85/100*100)= 255/4  =rs. 63.75
2nd payment = 70% of 90% of Rs. 100
= Rs. (70/100*90/100*100)= 63
3rd payment =  65% of 95% of Rs. 100
= (65/100 *95/100*100) =61.75
Clearly , 3rd payment is better