Tables - Solved Examples


Directions(Q 1 to Q 5): Answer the questions given below using the table below:

Quantity of various food items used by a restaurant during the first half of a year (in Kg.)

Food itemJanFebMarchAprilMayJune

Q 1 - The quantity of sugar used in the month of April is approx. what percent of the total quantity of food items used in the same month?

A - 21%

B - 18%

C - 11%

D - 25%

Answer - C


Quantity of sugar used in April = 210 Kg
Total quantity of food items used in april month = (260+290+210+245+375+460) kg
= 1860 kg
Required% =  (210/1840*100)% = 11.4% ≅ 11%

Q 2 - What is the difference between the average quantity of rice used in all the given months together and the average quantity of wheat used in all months together?

A - 60 kg

B - 75 kg

C - 80 kg

D - 90 kg

Answer - D


Average quantity of rice used = (250+230+210+260+240+220)/6 = 1410/6 = 235 kg
Average quantity of wheat used =(320+340+280+290+300+360) = 1890/6 = 315 kg
Required difference = (315-235)= 90 kg

Q 3 - What is the average quantity of miscellaneous items used in all the given month together?

A - 386.45 kg

B - 441.28 kg

C - 356.56 kg

D - 466.67 kg

Answer - D


Average quantity of misc. items = (460+485+440+460+475+480)/6 =2800/6 = 466.67 kg

Q 4 - What is the difference between the total quantity of pulse and the total quantity of vegetables used during the given months?

A - 545 kg

B - 540 kg

C - 450 kg

D - 380 kg

Answer - C


Total quantity of pulses consumed =(360+300+320+245+235+250) =1710 kg
Total quantity of vegetable consumed = (380+390+385+375+355+370 )=2255Kg
Required difference = (2255-1710)=  545 kg

Q 5 - What is the respective ratio of total quantity of food items used in the month of March to the total quantity of food items used in the month of April?

A - 366 : 367

B - 361 : 365

C - 367 : 368

D - 248 : 245

Answer - C


total quantity of food items consumed in march =(210+280+200+245+375+460)=1835 
total quantity of food items consumed  in  april =(260+290+210+245+375+460) =1840kg
required ratio =   1835: 1840 = 367:368

Directions(Q 6 to Q 10): Answer the questions given below using the table below:

Number of workers in the given six shifts of various factories.


Q 6 - The total number of workers from factory O is approx. what % of the total number of workers from factory L?

A - 89%

B - 80%

C - 96%

D - 93%

Answer - D


Total number of workers from factory O =(7.59+6.5+6.15+6+5.5+3.5)thousand 
=(35.24*1000)= 35240
Total number of workers from factory L =(7.5+6.38+6.5+7.8+5.5+4.2)
=(37.88 *1000) =37880
∴ Required % =( 35240/ 37880* 100)% = 93.03%= 93%

Q 7 - What is the average number of workers working in various shifts from factory P?

A - 6045

B - 6200

C - 6235

D - 6150

Answer - C


Average number of workers in factory P = (8.32+7.5+7.24+6.5+5.7+2.15)/6 *1000  
=37410 /6 = 6235

Q 8 - What is the difference in the total number of workers in various shifts from factory M and the total number of workers in various shifts from factory O?

A - 290

B - 275

C - 295

D - 270

Answer - A


Total number of workers in factory M =(8+7+7.28+5.25+5+3)*1000= (35.53*1000)  
Total number of workers in factory O = 35240
Required difference =(35530- 35240 ) =290

Q 9 - What is the ratio of the total number of workers from factories L and M working in the shift of 11 p.m to 3 a.m and the total number of workers working in the same shift from factories O and P?

A - 13:14

B - 15:16

C - 13:15

D - none of these

Answer - B


Number of workers in factories Land M in the shift of 11 p.m to =(5.5+5)*1000 = (10.5*1000) = 10500.
Numbers of workers in factories O and P in the shift of 11 p.m to =(5.5+5.7)*1000 = (11.2*1000)  =11200
Required  ratio = 10500 : 11200 =  15 : 16

Q 10 - What is the total of the average number of workers working in the shift of 7 a.m to 11 a.m from all the factories and the average number of workers working in the shift of 7 p.m to 11p.m from all the factories?

A - 11502

B - 15142

C - 14520

D - 14152

Answer - D


Average number of workers working in the shift of 7 a.m to 11a.m from all factories  
=(7.5+8+7.8+7.59+8.32)*1000/5 = 39210/5 = 7842
Average number of workers working in the shift of 7 a.m to 11p.m from all factories      
=(7.8+5.25+6+6+6.5)*1000 /5  = 31550/5 =  6310 
Required total = 7842- 6310   = 14152