Ages - Online Quiz


Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Ages. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - The average age of a man and his son is 48 years. The ratio of their ages is 11:5 respectively. What will be ratio of their ages after 6 years

A - 6:5

B - 5:3

C - 4:3

D - 2:1

Answer : D


Let the present ages of the man his son be 11x and 5x respectively.
According to the question,
11x + 5x = 2*48
Or, 16x = 96
Or, x = 6

Therefore, present age of the man = (11*6)  = 66 years
Present age of the son = (5*6)  = 30 years

Hence required ration after 6 years = (66+6) : (30+6)
= 72 : 36
= 2:1

Q 2 - The ratio of the present ages of Sunita and Vinita is 4:5. Six years hence the ratio of their ages will be 14:17. What will be the ratio of their ages 12 years hence?

A - 16:19

B - 15:19

C - 13:15

D - 17:19

Answer : A


Suppose the present ages of Sunita and Vinita be 4x years and 5x years respectively.

Six years hence
(4x + 6)/(5x + 6) = 14/17
Or, 68x + 102 = 70x + 84
Or, 2x = 18
Or, X = 9
Ratio of ages of Sunita and Vinita after 12 years = (4x + 12) : (5x + 12)
= (36+12) : (45+12)
= 48:57
= 16:19

Q 3 - Six years back Seema was half of that of Rupa in age. Four years hence the respective ratio of their ages would be 3:5. How old is Rupa at present?

A - 32 years

B - 16 years

C - 40 years

D - None of these

Answer : D


Let the present ages of Seema and Rupa be x years and y years respectively.
According to question,
(y - 6) = 2(x - 6)
Or, y - 6 = 2x - 12
Or, 2x - y = 6   ...(i)
(x + 4)/(y + 4) = 3/5
Or, 5x + 20 = 3y + 12
Or, 5x - 3y = - 8       ... (ii)
From equ (i) and equ (ii),
6x - 3y = 18
5x - 3y = -8
We get, x = 26 years and y = 46 years

Q 4 - The total age of A and B is 12 years more than the total age of B and C. C is how many years younger than A?

A - C is elder to A

B - 24 years

C - 12 years

D - Data Inadequate

Answer : C


According to question,

A + B = B + C + 12
A = C + 12
 C = A - 12

Hence, C is 12 years younger to A.

Q 5 - If 1:2 is the present age ratio of two girls. But 1:3 age ratio of girls was 5 year ago . In that case find out the ratio of age after the period of 5 year?

A - 1:4

B - 2:3

C - 3:5

D - 5:6

Answer : C


If the present age of two girls is x and 2x years. Then,
x-5/ 2x-5 = 1/3 ⇒ 3(x-5) =(2x-5) ⇒ x =10
5 year after their age ratio will be = x+5/ 2x+5 = 10+5/20+5 = 15/25 = 3/5= 3:5

Q 6 - Suraj was thrice as old as karan 6 year before. Suraj will be 5/3 times as old as karan 6 year hence. What should be the age of karan at the present time?

A - 12 years

B - 15 years

C - 18 years

D - 24 years

Answer : A


Before 6 year if suraj age is x  year  then karan age will be 3x year.
Suraj age at the present time = (x+6) and karan age (3x+6) yrs.
Suraj age after 6 year = (x+12) year
Karan age after 6 year = (3x+12) year
(3x+12) =5/3(x+12) ⇒ 9x+36 = 5x+60 = 4x = 24 ⇒ x =6
Karan age at the present time = 6+6 = 12 years.

Q 7 - A mother have 7 times in the comparison of her daughter at the time of 1 year ago . At the present time mother age is equal to the square of her son . What should be the time age of mother?

A - 7 years

B - 36 years

C - 49 years

D - 64 years

Answer : B


Let the present age of the son be x years.
Man present age  =7(x-1)+1 years =  (7x-6 ) yrs.
7x-6 = x2 ⇒ x2-7x+6 = 0 ⇒ (x-6)(x-1) =0 ⇒ x =6 or x =1
∴ present age of men = (7*6-6) = 36 yrs.

Q 8 - A mother was 4 times older in the comparison of her daughter before the period of 10 year. The mother age would be double in the comparison of her daughter after 10 year. What should be the present age of the daughter ?

A - 5 years

B - 10 years

C - 20 years

D - 30 years

Answer : C


Let daughter age 10 year ago be x years.
Mother age 10 years ago = 4x years
2(x+20) = (4x+20) ⇒ 2x = 20 ⇒ x =10
Present age of  daughter = (x+10) = 20 years.

Q 9 - Before the period of 16 year, my grandfather was 8 times older in the comparison of me. He would be 3 times of my age 8 years now. Find out the ratio of my grandfather and my age before the period of 8 year.

A - 1:2

B - 1:5

C - 3:8

D - none of these

Answer : D


Let my age 16 yrs ago be x years.
My grandfather age at that time = 8x years
My present  age = (x+16) yrs.
My grandfather present age = (8x+16) years.
3(x+16+8)= (8x+16+8) ⇒ 3x+72 = 8x+24  ⇒ 5x = 48 ⇒ x = 48/5
Ratio of our  ages  8 yrs ago =  (x+16-8) /(8x+16-8) = x+8/ 8x+8
 (48/5+8)/ (8* 48/5 +5) = 88/424 = 11 :53.

Q 10 - Ajit age after 15 years will be 5 times his age 5 years back . what is the present age of ajit ?

A - 5 years

B - 10 years

C - 15 years

D - 50 years

Answer : B


Let the present age of ajit be x years.
(x+15) = 5(x-5) ⇒ x+15 = 5x-25 ⇒ 4x= 40 =. X = 10