Area Calculation - Online Quiz


Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Area Calculation. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - The edge of a story of a room is 18m. What is the region of four dividers of the room, if its stature is 3m?

A - 21m2

B - 42m2

C - 54m2

D - 108m2

Answer : C


Perimeter= 2 (L+b)=18 and height =3m
Area of 4 walls = 2(l+b)*h= (18*3) = 54 sq.m

Q 2 - A rectangular field has measurement 25m by 15m .Two commonly opposite entries of 2m width have been left in its focal Part and grass has been developed in whatever is left of the field. The territory under the grass is:

A - 295 m2

B - 299 m2

C - 300 m2

D - 375 m2

Answer : B


Area under the grass =[(25*15)-{(25*2)+(15*2)-(2*2)}]
= {375-(50+30-40} m2 = (375-76) m2   = 299 m2

Q 3 - If every side of a square is expanded by half, the proportion of the territory of the subsequent square to the range of the given square is:

A - 5:4

B - 9:4

C - 4:5

D - 4:9

Answer : B


Let the original side be x mtr. Then, area =x2 sq. mtr.
New side = (150% of x) m = (150/100* x) m = (3x/2) m
New area = (3x/2*3x/2) m2= 9x2/4 m2
Required ratio of areas = 9x2/4: x2= 9:4

Q 4 - A Verandah 40m long and 15 m wide is to be cleared with stones every measuring 6dm by 5dm. The quantity of stones required is:

A - 1000

B - 2000

C - 3000

D - none of these

Answer : B


Area of the verandah= (40*15)m2= 600m2
Area of one stone= (6/10*5/10) m2= 3/10m2
No. of stones = (600*10/3) = 2000

Q 5 - The perimeter of a square circumscribed about a circle of radius r is:

A - 2r

B - 4r

C - 8r

D - 21πr

Answer : C


Each side of the square = 2r
∴ Perimeter of the square = (4* 2r) = 8r.

Q 6 - The ratio of the area of a square of side a and that of an equilateral triangle of side a, is

A - 2:1

B - 2:√3

C - 4:3

D - 4:√3

Answer : D


Required ratio  = a2/(√3/4) a2  = 4/√3=  4:√3

Q 7 - Every side of a square is equivalent to every side of an equilateral triangle. The proportion of their ranges is:

A - 2:1

B - 2:√3

C - 4:3

D - 4:√3

Answer : D


Let, side of square = side of equilateral triangle = x
Ratio of their areas = x2: √3x2/4 = 4:√3

Q 8 - The stature of an equilateral triangle is √6cm. Its range is:

A - 3√3 cm2

B - 2√3 cm2

C - 2√2 cm2

D - 6√2 cm2

Answer : B


Let the base be A cm , Then,
1/2 *a* √6= (√3/4) a2⇒      a= 1/2 *√6* 4/√3= 2√2
Area of the triangle = {(√3/4* (2√2) 2} cm2 = (√3/4*8) cm2
= 2√3cm2

Q 9 - The slanting of a square is 20 m. The territory of the square is:

A - 40 m2

B - 120 m2

C - 200 m2

D - 400 m2

Answer : C


Area =1/2*(diagonal)2=(1/2*20*20)m2=200m2

Q 10 - The region of a circle is 24.64m2. The circuit of the circle is:

A - 14.64m

B - 16.36m

C - 17.60m

D - 18.40m

Answer : C


⇒R2= (24.64*7/22)=(1.12*7)=7.84⇒R=√7.84=2.8
Circumference= 2πR= (2*22/7*2.8) m =17.60 m