Ages - Solved Examples


Q 1 - If the ratio of ages of two persons Ram and sham is 5:4 . After Three years their age ratio changes and becomes 11:9. In that case tell about the present age of mr. sham.

A - 23 years

B - 24 years

C - 25 years

D - 26 years

Answer - B


If the age of Mr. Ram  5x and 4x is the age of Mr. sham.
Then, ( 5x+3) /( 4x+3) = 11/9  ⇒ 9 (5x+3)= 11 (4x+3) ⇒ x= (33-27) = 6
So the present age of Mr. sham = 6*4 = 24 years.

Q 2 - A mother is 30 time older in the comparison of her daughter. After the period of 18 year , the mother age would be thrice in the comparison of his daughter . In that case tell about the present age of mother.

A - 40 years

B - 41 years

C - 42 years

D - 43 years

Answer - A


Let  daughter present age   be  x year .
in that case mother  present age would be = 30x years  
30x+ 18 = 3 (x+ 18) ⇒ 27x = 36  ⇒ x = 4/3  
∴ so the present age of mother = (30* 4/3) = 40 years.

Q 3 - The ratio of present ages of three persons ajay , vijay and sanjay are in the proportion of 4: 7: 9. Before 8 year total sum of their age is 56. What should be the present ages?

A - 28 and 36 years

B - 28 and 38 years

C - 30 and 36 years

D - 36 and 28 years

Answer - A


If the present age of ajay , vijay and sanjay is  4x , 7x and 9x years.
Total sum of  ages of ajay, vijay and sanjay  before 8 years  ago = (4x-8)+(7x-8)+(9x-8)
=(20x-24) years.
∴ 20x-24 = 56 ⇒ 20x = 80 ⇒ x= 4 
Hence,  it proves that age of ajay is 4*4 = 16 years, 
vijay (7*4) = 28 years  and sanjay  (9* 4) = 36 years. 

Q 4 - Daughter's present age is 2/5 in the comparison of her mother .8 year later , age of her daughter will be 1/2 in the comparison of her mother. Find out mother present age?

A - 39 years.

B - 40 years

C - 41 years

D - 42 years

Answer - B


If the present age of mother is  equal to  x year.  
In that situation the daughter present age would be = 2x/5 years.
2x/5 + 8 = 1/2 (x+8) ⇒  4x+ 80 = 5x+40 ⇒ x = 40.
The mother age at the present time is = 40 years.

Q 5 - Ajay age was double in the comparison of bhuvan before 3 years. Seven years hence, the sum of both ages would be 83 years. What should be the age at the present time of both?

A - 43 years

B - 44 years

C - 45 years

D - 46 years

Answer - C


Before  3 year  let  bhuvan age be x years. 
3 years before , ajay age will be  2x years. 
Now Bhuwan's  age =(x+3) years and ajay  age = (2x+3) years.
(x+3)+7+(2x+3)+7 = 83 ⇒  3x+20 = 83 ⇒ 3x = 63 ⇒ x = 21 
Now the bhuwan present age = (21+3) = 24 years 
Now the ajay present age = (2 *21+3) years = 45 years.

Q 6 - I am 4 year older in the comparison of my sister, but my brother who is the youngest among us is 7 year younger to myself. My father is three times in the comparison of my brother. The present age of my sister 18 year and my father is 3 year older in the comparison of my mother. In that situation what should be the present age of my mother?.

A - 42 years

B - 43 years

C - 44 years

D - 45 years

Answer - A


If my sister age is x years. Then,
Sister  -    x 
I   -       x+4
Brother -  (x+4-7) = x-3
Father - 3 (x-3) 
Given x = 18
∴  Father's age =  3(18-3) = 45 years.
Mother age = (45-3) = 42 years.

Q 7 - Ajay is as much younger to vijay as he is older to vinay. If 48 years is the sum of the ages of vijay and buwan . Then find out the present age of Mr. ajay ?

A - 21 years

B - 22 years

C - 23 years

D - 24 years

Answer - D


V-A = A- B ⇒ V+B = 2A =48 ⇒ 24
Now,  We can say that the present age  of Mr. Ajay  is 24 years.

Q 8 - If 100 year is equal to the sum of the ages of father and son. 2:1 was the ratio of father and son before the period of 5 years. Find out the ratio of ages which would be after the period 10 year.

A - 3:4

B - 3:5

C - 4:3

D - 5:3

Answer - D


If the age of father at the present time = x years 
His son age at the present time =  (100-x) years.
x-5 / (100-x-5) = 2/1  ⇒ (x-5) = 2(95-x) ⇒ 3x = 195  ⇒ x = 65
Ratio of the ages of man and son after 10 years = (65+10)/(35+10)= 75/45 = 5/3 = 5:3 