CBSE 9th Class Social Science Syllabus


Course Structure

I Term Units Topics Marks
I India and the Contemporary World - I 23
II Contemporary India - I 23
III Democratic Politics - I 22
IV Economics 22
V Disaster Management -
Total 90
II Term Units Topics Marks
I India and the Contemporary World - I 23
II Contemporary India - I 13 + 10 (OTBA)
III Democratic Politics - I 22
IV Economics 22
V Disaster Management
Total 90

First Term Course Syllabus

Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World - I

Sub-unit 1.1: Events and processes

  • Pay attention on three events and processes that have in major ways shaped the identity of the modern world. Each represents a different form of politics, and a specific combination of forces.

    • Linked to the growth of liberalism and democracy

    • Linked with socialism

    • Linked with a negation of both democracy and socialism

Chapter I: The French Revolution

  • The Ancient Regime and its crises
  • The social forces that led to the revolution
  • The different revolutionary groups and ideas of the time
  • The legacy I

Chapter II: Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

  • The crises of Tzarism
  • The nature of social movements between 1905 and 1917
  • The First World War and foundation of Soviet state
  • The legacy II

Chapter III: Nazism and the Rise of Hitler

  • The growth of social democracy
  • The crises in Germany
  • The basis of Hitler's rise to power
  • The ideology of Nazism
  • The impact of Nazism

Map work (3 Marks)

Unit 2: Contemporary India - I

Chapter I & II: India Physical Setting

  • Size and Location
  • Physical Features of India −
    • Relief
    • Structure
    • Major physiographic units

Chapter III: Drainage

  • Major rivers and tributaries
  • Lakes and seas
  • Role of rivers in the economy
  • Pollution of rivers
  • Measures to control river pollution

Unit 3: Democratic Politics – I

Chapter I & II: Democracy in the Contemporary World

  • What is Democracy?

  • Why Democracy?

  • What are the different ways of defining democracy?

  • Why has democracy become the most prevalent form of government in our times?

  • What are the alternatives to democracy?

  • Is democracy superior to its available alternatives?

  • Must every democracy have the same institutions and values?

Chapter III. Constitutional Design

  • How and why did India become a democracy?
  • How was the Indian constitution framed?
  • What are the salient features of the Constitution?
  • How is democracy being constantly designed and redesigned in India?

Unit 4: Economics

Chapter I: The economic story of Palampore

  • Economic transactions of Palampore and its interaction with the rest of the world through which the concept of production (including three factors of production (land, labour and capital) can be introduced.

Chapter II: People as Resource

  • Introduction of how people become resource / asset
  • Economic activities done by men and women
  • Unpaid work done by women
  • Quality of human resource
  • Role of health and education
  • Unemployment as a form of non-utilisation of human resource
  • Socio-political implication in simple form

Unit 5: Disaster Management

  • Chapter I: Introduction to Disaster Management

  • Chapter II: Common Hazards - Prevention and Mitigation

Second Term Course Syllabus

Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World - I

Sub-unit 1.2: Livelihoods, Economies and Societies

This section focuses on how different social groups grapple with the changes in the contemporary world and how these changes affect their lives.

Any one theme of the following −

Chapter IV: Forest Society and Colonialism

  • Relationship between forests and livelihoods
  • Changes in forest societies under colonialism

Case studies

  • Focus on two forest movements one in colonial India (Bastar) and one in Indonesia

Chapter V: Pastoralists in the Modern World

  • Pastoralism as a way of life
  • Different forms of pastoralism
  • What happens to pastoralism under colonialism and modern states?

Case studies

  • Focus on two pastoral groups, one from Africa and one from India

Chapter VI: Peasants and Farmers

  • Histories of the emergence of different forms of farming and peasant societies

  • Changes within rural economies in the modern world

Case studies

  • Focus on contrasting forms of rural change and different forms of rural societies (expansion of large-scale wheat and cotton farming in USA, rural economy and the Agricultural Revolution in England, and small peasant production in colonial India)

Map Work

Based on theme 4/5/6. (Internal choices will be provided) - 3 marks

Sub-unit 1.3: Everyday Life, Culture and Politics

  • The themes in this unit will consider how issues of culture are linked up to the making of contemporary world.

Any one of the following −

Chapter VII: History and Sport

  • The Story of Cricket
  • The emergence of cricket as an English sport
  • Cricket and colonialism
  • Cricket nationalism and de-colonialization

Chapter VIII: Clothing: A Social History

  • A short history of changes in clothing
  • Debates over clothing in colonial India
  • Swadeshi and the movement for Khadi

Unit 2: Contemporary India – I

Chapter IV: Climate

  • Factors influencing the climate
  • Monsoon - its characteristics
  • Rainfall
  • Temperature distribution
  • Seasons
  • Climate and human life

Chapter V: Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

  • Vegetation types
  • Distribution as well as altitudinal variation
  • Need for conservation and various measures
  • Major species and their distribution
  • Need for conservation and various measures

Chapter VI: Population

  • Size
  • Distribution
  • Age-sex composition
  • Population change-migration as a determinant of population change
  • Literacy
  • Health
  • Occupational structure
  • National population policy
  • Adolescents as under-served population group with special needs

Map Work (3 marks)

Unit 3: Democratic Politics – I

Chapter IV: Electoral Politics

  • Why and how do we elect representatives?
  • Why do we have a system of competition among political parties?
  • How has the citizens’ participation in electoral politics changed?
  • What are the ways to ensure free and fair elections?

Chapter V: Working of Institutions

  • How is the country governed?

  • What does Parliament do in our democracy?

  • What is the role of the President of India, the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers?

  • How do these relate to one another?

Chapter VI: Democratic Right

  • Why do we need rights in a constitution?

  • What are the Fundamental Rights enjoyed by the citizen under the Indian constitution?

  • How does the judiciary protect the Fundamental Rights of the citizen?

  • How is the independence of the judiciary ensured?

Unit 4: Economics

Chapter III: Poverty as a Challenge

  • Who is poor (through two case studies: one rural, one urban) indicators

  • Absolute poverty (not as a concept but through a few simple examples) - why people are poor

  • Unequal distribution of resources

  • Comparison between countries

  • Steps taken by government for poverty alleviation

Chapter IV: Food Security in India

  • Source of Food grains

  • Variety across the nation

  • Famines in the past

  • The need for self-sufficiency

  • Role of government in food security

  • Procurement of food grains

  • Overflowing of granaries and people without food

  • Public distribution system

  • Role of cooperatives in food security (food grains, milk and vegetables ration shops, cooperative shops, two-three examples as case studies)

Unit 5: Disaster Management

Chapter III: 3. Man-made disasters

  • Nuclear
  • Biological
  • Chemical

Chapter IV: Community Based Disaster Management

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