CBSE 11th Class Physical Education Syllabus


Course Structure

Units Topics Marks
Theory 70
1 Physical Fitness, Wellness and Lifestyle
2 Changing Trends and Career in Physical Education
3 Olympic Movement
4 Yoga
5 Doping
6 Management of Injuries
7 Test and Measurement in Sports
8 Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology
9 Biomechanics and Sports
10 Psychology and Sports
11 Training in Sports
Practical Works 30
12 Physical Fitness 5
13 Athletics 5
14 Health and Fitness Activities 5
15 Skill of any one Individual Game of choice 5
16 Viva 5
17 Record File 5
Total 100

Course Syllabus

Unit I. Changing Trends and Career in Physical Education

  • Define Physical Education −
    • Aims
    • Objectives
  • Development of Physical Education - Post Independence
  • Concept and Principles of Integrated Physical Education
  • Concept and Principles of Adaptive Physical Education
  • Career Options in Physical Education

Unit II. Physical Fitness, Wellness and Lifestyle

  • Meaning and importance of Physical Fitness
  • Wellness and Lifestyle
  • Factors affecting Physical Fitness and Wellness
  • Indicators of Health - Physical and Psychological
  • Preventing Health Threats through Lifestyle Change
  • Components of positive lifestyle

Unit III. Olympic Movement

  • Ancient and Modern Olympics
  • Olympic Symbols, Ideals, Objectives and Values
  • International Olympic Committee
  • Indian Olympic Association
  • Awards −
    • Dronacharya Award
    • Arjuna Award
    • Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award
  • Organizational set-up of −
    • CBSE Sports
    • Chacha Nehru Sports Award

Unit IV. Yoga

  • Meaning and Importance of Yoga
  • Yoga as an Indian Heritage
  • Elements of Yoga
  • Introduction to −
    • Asanas
    • Pranayam
    • Meditation
    • Yogic Kriyas
  • Prevention and Management of Common Lifestyle Diseases −
    • Obesity
    • Diabetes
    • Hyper-Tension
    • Back-Pain

Unit V. Doping

  • Concept & classification of doping
  • Prohibited substances and methods
  • Athletes responsibilities
  • Side effects of prohibited substances
  • Ergogenic aids & doping in sports
  • Doping control procedure

Unit VI. Physical Activity Environment

  • Introduction to physical activity
  • Concept & need of sports environment
  • Essential elements of positive sports environment
  • Principles of physical activity environment
  • Components of health related fitness
  • Behaviour change technique for physical activity
  • Exercise Guidelines at different stages of growth

Unit VII. Test and Measurement in Sports

  • Define Test and Measurement
  • Importance of Test and Measurement in Sports
  • Calculation of BMI and Waist - Hip Ratio
  • Somatotypes −
    • Endomorphy
    • Mesomorphy
    • Ectomorphy
  • Procedures of Anthropometric Measurement −
    • Height
    • Weight
    • Arm
    • Leg Length
    • Skin Fold

Unit VIII. Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

  • Define: Anatomy, Physiology and its importance
  • Skeleton system
    • Function bones
    • Classification of bones
    • Types of joints
  • Function and structure of muscles
  • Function and structure of Respiratory System
  • Structure of Heart and introduction to Circulatory System
  • Oxygen debt, second-wind

Unit IX. Biomechanics and Sports

  • Meaning and Importance of Biomechanics in Physical Education and Sports

  • Newton's Law of Motion and its application in sports

  • Levers and its types and its application in Sports

  • Equilibrium - Dynamic and Static and Centre of Gravity and its application in sports

  • Force - Centrifugal and Centripetal and its application in Sports

Unit X. Psychology and Sports

  • Definition and importance of Psychology in Physical Education and Sports
  • Define and differentiate between 'Growth and Development'
  • Developmental characteristics at different stage of development
  • Adolescent problems and their management
  • Define Learning, Laws of Learning and transfer of Learning
  • Plateau & causes of plateau
  • Emotion −
    • Concept & controlling of emotion

Unit XI. Training in Sports

  • Meaning and Concept of Sports Training
  • Principles of Sports Training
  • Warming up and limbering down
  • Load, Adaptation and Recovery
  • Skill, Technique and Style
  • Symptoms of Over-load & How to Overcome it

Unit XII. Practical Work

  • Physical Fitness
  • Athletics - Any two events −
    • Sprints
    • Jumps
  • Health and Fitness Activities (any one) −
    • Medicine Ball
    • Thera Tube
    • Pilates
    • Rope Skipping
  • Skill of any one Individual Game of choice
  • Viva
  • Record File

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