CBSE 11th Class Biotechnology Syllabus


Course Structure

Units Topics Marks
I Biotechnology: An Overview 5
II Molecules of Life 20
III Genes & Genomes 20
IV Cells & Organism 25
Practical Human Physiology: Section A & Section B 30
Total 100

Course Syllabus

Unit 1: Biotechnology: An overview

Chapter 1: Introduction to Biotechnology

  • Historical Perspectives
  • Production Strategies in Biotechnology
  • Quality Control
  • Product Safety
  • Good Manufacturing Practices
  • Good Laboratory Practices
  • Intellectual Property
  • Public Perception
  • Global market
  • Biotechnology in India and Global Trends

Unit-II: Molecules of Life

Chapter 1: Biomolecules: Building Blocks

  • Building Blocks of Carbohydrates
    • Sugars and Their Derivatives
  • Building Blocks of Proteins
    • Amino Acids
  • Building Blocks of Lipids
    • Simple Fatty Acids
    • Sphingosine
    • Glycerol
    • Cholesterol
  • Building Blocks of Nucleic Acids
    • Nucleotides
    • Biochemical Transformations

Chapter 2: Macromolecules: Structure & Function

  • Carbohydrates - The Energy Givers
  • Proteins - The Performers
  • Enzymes - The Catalysts
  • Lipids and Biomembranes - The Barriers
  • Nucleic Acids - The Managers

Unit III: Genes and Genomes

Chapter 1: Gene Structure and Function

  • Cell Structure and Components
  • Tissues and Organs
  • Stem cells
  • Biodiversity
  • Organization of Life

Chapter 2: Genomes Organization & Function

  • Cell Division
  • Cell Cycle
  • Cell Communication
  • Movement
  • Nutrition
  • Gaseous Exchanges
  • Internal Transport
  • Maintaining the Internal Environment
  • Reproduction
  • In vitro Fertilization
  • Animal and Plant Development
  • Immune Response in Animals
  • Programmed Cell Death
  • Defense Mechanisms in Plants

Unit IV: Cells and Organisms

Chapter 1: Cells: The Basic Unit of Life

  • Historical Perspective
  • Multiple Alleles
  • Linkage and Crossing Over
  • Genetic Mapping
  • Gene Interaction
  • Sex-Linked Inheritance
  • Extranuclear Inheritance
  • Quantitative Inheritance
  • Genes at Population Level
  • Discovery of DNA as Genetic Material
  • Mutations
  • DNA Repair
  • Genetic Disorders

Chapter 2: Organisms: Structure & Dynamics

  • Genome Organization
  • DNA Replication
  • Fine Structure of Genes
  • From Gene to Protein
  • Transcription - The Basic Process
  • Genetic Code
  • Translation
  • Regulation of Gene Expression

Practical Syllabus

  • Preparation of buffers and pH determination
  • Sterilization techniques
  • Preparation of bacterial growth medium
  • Isolation of bacteria from curd and staining of bacteria
  • Determination of bacterial growth curve
  • Study of various stages of mitosis and calculation of mitotic index
  • Preparation of karyotyping
  • Cell counting
  • Isolation of genomic DNA
  • Detection of DNA by gel electrophoresis
  • Isolation of milk protein (Casein)
  • Estimation of protein by biuret method
  • Assaying the enzyme acid phosphate

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