CBSE 11th Class Multimedia and Web Technology Syllabus


Course Structure

Part/Unit Topics Marks
A Theory 70
1 Introduction to computer systems 15
2 Web development 25
3 Web scripting 20
4 Multimedia and authoring tools 10
B Practical 30
Total 100

Course Syllabus

Unit 1: Introduction to Computer System

Chapter 1: Hardware Concepts

  • Computer Organization (basic concepts) −
    • CPU
    • Memory (Primary and Secondary)
    • I/O devices
  • Input devices −
    • Keyboard
    • Mouse
    • Light pen
    • Touch Screen
    • Graphics Tablet
    • Joystick
    • Microphone
    • OCR
    • Scanner
    • Smart Card reader
    • Barcode reader
    • Biometric sensor
    • Web Camera
  • Output Devices −
    • Monitor/Visual Display Unit (VDU)
    • LCD screen
    • Television
    • Printer (Dot Matrix Printer, Desk jet/ Inkjet/ Bubble jet Printer, Laser Printer)
    • Plotter
    • Speaker
  • Secondary Storage Devices: Fixed and Removable Storage −
    • Hard Disk Drive
    • CD/DVD Drive
    • Pen Drive
    • Blue Ray Disk
    • Flash Drive
    • Memory cards
  • Memory Concepts
  • Units −
    • Bit
    • Byte
    • Kilo Byte (210 = 1024 Byte)
    • Mega Byte
    • Giga Byte
    • Tera Byte
    • Peta Byte
  • Primary Memory −
    • Cache
    • RAM
    • ROM

Chapter 2: Software Concept

  • Types of Software −
    • System Software
    • Utility Software
    • Application Software
  • Operating System, Language Processors −
    • Compiler
    • Interpreter
    • Assembler
  • Operating System −
    • Need for operating system
    • Functions of operating system (processor management
    • Memory management
    • File management and device management
  • Commonly used operating systems −
    • UNIX
    • LINUX
    • Windows
    • Solaris
    • BOSS (Bharat Operating System Solutions)
    • Mobile OS - Android, Symbian
  • Utility Software −
    • Anti-virus
    • File management tools
    • Compression tools and disk management tools −
      • disk cleanup
      • disk defragmenter
      • backup
  • Application software: General Purpose Application software −
    • Office tools
    • Word processor
    • Presentation tool
    • Spreadsheet package
    • Database management system
  • Specific Purpose Application software: Domain specific tools −
    • school management system
    • inventory management system
    • purchasing system
    • human resource management system
    • payroll system, financial accounting
    • hotel management
    • reservation system
    • weather forecasting system
  • GUI Operating System
  • GUI Components −
    • General features
    • Elements of desktop −
      • Taskbar
      • Icon
      • Start button
      • Shortcuts
      • Folder
      • Recycle bin
      • My computer
  • Start Menu −
    • Program
    • Documents
    • Settings
    • Find/search
    • Help
    • Run
    • Shutdown/logoff
  • Program Menu: Accessories
    • Calculator
    • Text editor
    • Image editor
    • Entertainment (such as sound recorder, media player)
  • Control Panel −
    • Add new hardware
    • Add new software
    • Printer installation
    • Date/time settings
    • Mouse and regional settings
    • Customization of taskbar
    • Start menu
    • Display properties −
      • Wallpaper
      • Font settings
      • Color settings
      • Screen savers

Unit 2: Web Development

www, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol(HTTP), File Transfer Protocol(FTP), TCP/IP, PPP, Domain names, URL, IP Address, Website, Web browser, Web Server, Web Hosting;

Chapter 1: HTML

  • Introduction
  • Content creation
  • Creating HTML document using a text editor
  • Saving HTML document
  • Editing an HTML document
  • viewing HTML documents in a web browser
  • switching between text editor and web browser windows to view changes

Chapter 2: Browsers

  • Mozila firefox
  • Google chrome
  • Internet explorer
  • Netscape navigator
  • Safari
  • Opera

Chapter 3: Web Page Authoring Using HTML

  • Basic Concepts −

    • Concept of tags and attributes

    • Difference between container tag and empty tag

  • Structural Tags of HTML −

    • <HTML>, <HEAD>, <TITLE>, <BODY>;


  • Inserting Breaks −

    • Line break <BR>, section break <HR>, Attributes of <HR> (WIDTH, ALIGN, SIZE, NOSHADE, COLOR)

  • Creating Paragraphs −

    • <P>, Attributes of <P> (ALIGN)

  • Formatting Tags of HTML −

    • <SMALL>, <BIG>, <B>, <I>, <U>, <EM>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, <PRE>, <SUB>, <SUP>, <STRIKE>, <ADDRESS>, Adding Comments in HTML (<!-- -->), Heading tag (<H1>to <H6>), Attributes of Heading tag (ALIGN), <FONT> tag, <BASEFONT>, Attributes of <FONT> and <BASEFONT> (SIZE, COLOR, FACE)

  • Creating Lists: Ordered Lists −

    • <OL>, <LI>, Attributes of <OL> (TYPE, START, VALUE); Unordered Lists: <UL>, <LI>, Attributes of <UL> ((TYPE-disc, circle, square)

  • Definition List −

    • <DL>, <DT>, <DD>;

  • Creating Links −

    • Internal linking using <A NAME> and <A HREF>, external linking using <A HREF>, e-Mail linking using <AHREF>

  • Concept of URL −

    • Absolute URL

    • Relative URL

  • Inserting Images −

    • Inserting inline images using <IMG>, Attributes of <IMG> (SRC, ALIGN, WIDTH, HEIGHT, ALT, BORDER)

  • Adding Music −

    • Adding music using <A HREF> and <EMBED>, Attributes of <EMBED> (SRC, ALIGN, WIDTH, HEIGHT, LOOP, AUTOSTART, HIDDEN)

  • Creating Tables −


  • Creating rows and columns in a table using <TH>, <TR>, <TD>, Attributes of <TH>, <TR>, <TD> (ALIGN, VALIGN, COLSPAN, ROWSPAN)

  • Adding headings for a table using <CAPTION>, Attribute of <CAPTION>(ALIGN)

  • Creating Frames −

    • Dividing the window into two or more frames using <FRAME> and <FRAMESET>, Use of percentage dimensions and relative dimensions while dividing the window, use of <NOFRAMES> >/NOFRAMES>; Attributes of <FRAMESET> (ROWS, COLS, BORDER, FRAMEBORDER);


  • Creating Forms −

    • Forms for data collection which can be written to a file, submitted to a database or emailed to someone;

    • Creating Forms using <FORM>, Attributes of <FORM> (NAME, ACTION, METHOD);

    • Creating Form Interface elements - text box, password box, file selection box, hidden box, checkbox, radio button, button, submit button, reset button using the <INPUT>, Attributes of <INPUT> applicable with different interface elements (NAME, SIZE, VALUE, ALIGN, MAXLENGTH, CHECKED, TYPE);

    • Multiline text area using <TEXTAREA>, Attributes of <TEXTAREA> (NAME, ROWS, COLS, WRAP);

    • Dropdown list or scrolling list using <SELECT> and <OPTION>, Attributes of <SELECT>(NAME, SIZE, MULTIPLE /SINGLE)

  • Document Object Model −

    • Concept and Importance of Document Object Model, Static Vs Dynamic HTML documents

  • Cascading Style Sheets −

    • Introduction to Cascading Style Sheet (CSS): Creating inline, embedded and external cascading style sheets using <STYLE>, <DIV>, <SPAN> and <LINK>; Attribute of <DIV> and <SPAN> (STYLE)

    • Attributes of <LINK> (REL, TYPE, HREF)

  • Font Properties −


  • Text Properties −


  • Background Properties −


  • Margin Properties −

    • MARGINS (all values)

  • Padding Properties −

    • PADDING (all values)

  • Border Properties −

    • BORDER (all values);

  • Positioning −

    • Absolute

    • Relative

  • Additional Features −

    • Assigning classes

  • XML-eXtensible Markup Language −

    • Introduction, features, advantages

  • Structure of XML −

    • Logical structure, Physical structure

  • XML Markup −

    • Element Markup (example: <foot>Hello</foot>), Attribute Markup (example: <! property = "value">)

  • Naming Rules −

    • Naming rules for elements, attributes and descriptors

  • Components in XML −

    • Tags, Elements, Root element, Attributes, Entities

    • Comments in XML

  • Developing DTD −

    • Element Declaration in a DTD: <!ELEMENT elementname (contenttype)>

    • Entity Declarations, Declaring Empty Elements, Container Elements, Unrestricted Elements, Attribute Declarations

    • Element Content Model

    • Element Occurrence Indicators: ? ,&ast;,&plus;

    • Character Content: PCDATA (Parseable Character data) <! ELEMENT text(#PCDATA)>

    • Well Formed XML Documents, Valid XML Documents

    • Document Type Declaration (DTD) - Internal and External DTD

    • Validating an XML document using a DTD

    • Developing a DTD, Developing a DTD from XML Code, either automatically or manually

    • Viewing XML in Internet Explorer, Viewing XML using the XML Data Source Object

Unit 3: Web Scripting

  • VBScript −

    • Introduction to client side scripting using <SCRIPT> tag,

  • VBScript Variables −

    • Declaring variable, implicit and explicit declaration, naming restrictions, assigning values to variables, scalar variables and1-D array, variant data type

    • BScript Constants

  • VBScript Operators −

    • VBScript Operators and Operator precedence;

    • Arithmetic Operators: &plus;, - (Unary and Binary), &ast;, /, \ (integer division), MOD, ^

    • Comparison Operators: <, >, <=, >=, <>, =

    • Logical Operators: AND, OR, NOT

    • String Operators: & and &plus; (for concatenation)

  • Control Structures in VBScript −

  • Conditional statements −

    • If..Then..End if, If..Then..Else..End If, If..Then, Else If..Then..Else..End If Select..Case..End Select

  • Loops −

    • For..Next, For Each.. Next, Do While..Loop, While.. Wend ,Do.. Loop While, Do Until.. Loop, Do..Loop Until

    • Entry controlled and Exit controlled loops

  • Inbuilt Functions of VBScript −

  • General Functions −

    • MsgBox function, Arguments of MsgBox function (Prompt, Buttons, Title), Return values of MsgBox function; InputBox function, Arguments of InputBox function (Prompt, Title, Default), Return values of InputBox function

  • Conversion Functions −

    • Abs(), CBool(), CByte(), CInt(), CStr(), CSng(), CLng(), CDate()

  • String Manipulation Functions −

    • Ucase(), Lcase(), Len(), Left(), Right(), Mid(), LTrim(), RTrim(), Trim(), InStr(), strreverse()

  • Time & Date Functions −

    • Date(), Day(), Month(), Hour(), Minute(), Monthname(), Now()

  • VBScript Procedures and Functions(User Defined) −

    • Sub procedures, Functions, passing parameters/arguments

  • Creating Dynamic Interface using VBScript

    • Using VBScript with HTML form controls

Unit 4: Multimedia and Authoring Tools

  • Concept of Multimedia −

    • Picture/Graphics, Audio, Video

    • Digital Images and Digital Image representation, animation, morphing

  • Image Formats −


  • Applications −

    • Poster design

    • Still pictures

    • Colored layout

    • Designing of books

    • Magazines brochures −

      • Children's literature

      • Narrative text handling

      • Scripts in indian languages

      • Picture books

      • Comics

      • Illustrations with photographs

      • Scientific illustrations

      • Conceptual illustrations

      • Handling of assignment for the market

  • Image Scanning with the help of scanner −

    • Setting up resolution

    • Size

    • File formats of images

    • Bitonal

    • Grey scale and color options

    • Preview the image

  • Graphic Tools −

    • Image Editing Software (Photoshop / Coreldraw/GIMP)

  • Basic Concepts of Image Creation −

    • Introduction

    • Interface elements of the tool −

      • Menus

      • Toolbox

      • color control icons

      • mode control icons

      • window controls icons

    • Creating new images, saving images and opening existing images

  • Image Handling −

    • Cropping

    • Adjusting image size

    • Adjusting the size of the work canvas, rotating selections

    • Scaling an object

  • Operations on Layers −

    • Adding new layers

    • Dragging and pasting selected objects on to layers

    • Dragging layers between files

    • Viewing

    • Hiding

    • Editing

    • Moving

    • Copying

    • Duplicating

    • Deleting

    • Merging layers

    • Preserving layers

    • Using adjustment layers

  • Channels and Masks −

    • Channel palette −

      • showing and hiding channels

      • splitting channels in to separate images

      • merging channels

      • creating a quick mask

      • editing masks using quick mask mode

  • Painting and Editing −

    • Brushes palette −

      • brush shape

      • creating and deleting brushes

      • creating custom brushes

      • setting brush options

      • saving

      • loading

      • appending brushes

    • Options palette −

      • Opacity

      • Pressure

      • Exposure

      • Paint fade-out rate

      • Making

      • Adjusting

      • Moving

      • Copying

      • Extending

      • Reducing

      • Pasting and deleting selections using selection tools

      • Softening the edges of a selection

      • Hiding a selection border

  • Sound −

    • Recording sound using Sound Recorder (Capture), sound capture through sound editing software (ex:Sound Forge), sound editing (noise correction, effect enhancement)

    • Importing audio files from external devices and saving them

    • Sound Quality − CD Quality, Radio Quality, Telephone Quality

  • Voice Recording Software −

    • Audacity

    • Speech recorder

    • orecx (Mono & Stereo)

  • Sound File Format −

    • AIFF (Audio Input File Format from Apple Mac)

    • MIDI

    • WAV

    • MP3

    • ASF (Streaming format from Microsoft)

  • Importing audio files from external devices and saving them

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