CBSE 12th Class Home Science Syllabus


Course Structure

Units Topics Marks
I Human Development: Life Span Approach (Part II) 30
II Nutrition for Self, Family and Community
III Money Management and Consumer Education 35
IV Apparel: Designing, Selection and Case
V Community Development and Extension (Part II) 5
VI Career Option after Home Science Education
VII Practical Work 30
Total 100

Course Syllabus

Unit I: Human Development: Life Span Approach (Part II)

Part A: Adolescence (Age group 12 to 18 years)

  • Growth & Development - Domains and principles

  • Meaning, characteristics and needs

  • Influences on identity formation

    • Biological and Physical changes-early and late matures. (Role of heredity and environment)

    • Social, culture and media

    • Emotional changes

    • Cognitive changes

  • Specific issues and concerns

    • Eating disorders-causes, consequences and management - Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia

    • Depression

    • Substance Abuse

    • Related to sex

    • Handling stress and peer pressure

Part B: Adulthood

  • Young & middle adulthood − Understanding and management of new responsibilities, carrier marriage and family

  • Late Adulthood/Old age −

    • Health and Wellness − physical, social, emotional, financial, recreational needs

    • Care for elderly (at home and outside - old age home)

    • Anger management

Unit II: Nutrition for Self, Family and Community

  • Meal Planning − Meaning and importance, principles and factors affecting meal planning; Nutritional needs, food preferences and modifications of diets in different age groups: infants, children, adolescence, adults, elderly and in special conditions: pregnancy and lactation (including traditional foods given in these conditions)

    • Use of basic food groups (ICMR) and serving size in meal planning

    • Factors influencing selection of food − culture, family food practices, media, peer group, availability of foods, purchasing power, individual preference & health

  • Food safety and quality −

    • Safe food handling (personal, storage, kitchen, cooking and serving)

    • Safety guards against food adulteration, definition and meaning of food adulteration as given by FSSAI (Food Safety and Standard Authority of India)

    • Common adulterants present in cereals, pulses, milk and milk products, fats and oils, sugar, jaggery, honey, spices and condiments

    • Effects of some of the adulterants present in the foods: kesari dal, metanil yellow, argemone seeds

    • Food standards (FPO, Agmark, ISI)

  • Therapeutic modification of normal diet with respect to consistency, frequency, foodstuffs, nutrients and methods of cooking

  • Modification of diet according to common ailments − diarrhoea, fever, jaundice, hypertension, diabetes and constipation. Physiological changes, clinical symptoms, requirements and dietary requirements in each condition.

Unit III: Money Management and Consumer Education

  • Income Concept −

    • Family Income

    • Various sources of family income −

      • Money income

      • Real income (direct and indirect)

      • Psychic income

    • Supplementing family income-need and ways; need and procedure for maintaining household accounts (daily, weekly and monthly)

  • Savings and Investment −

    • Meaning and importance of savings.

    • Basis for selection of investment methods: risk, security, profit, tax saving.

    • Ways/methods of investment −

      • Bank schemes (saving, fixed, recurring);

      • Post Office schemes (savings, recurring deposit, monthly income scheme, National saving certificate, Senior citizen scheme);

      • Insurance schemes (whole life, mediclaim);

      • Public Provident Fund (PPF), Provident Fund (PF)

    • Consumer Protection and Education −

      • Meaning

      • problems faced by consumer

      • Consumer Protection Amendment Act (2011)

      • Consumer aids − labels, standardization marks, (ECO Mark, Hallmark, Wool mark, Silk mark), advertising, leaflets, and Consumer redressal forum, Internet

Unit IV: Apparel: Designing, Selection and Care

  • Application of elements of art and principles of design in designing apparel

  • Selection and purchase of fabrics −

    • Purpose

    • Cost

    • Season

    • Quality

    • Durability

    • ease of maintenance

    • Comfort

  • Selection of apparel - factors influencing selection of apparel −

    • Age

    • Size

    • Climate

    • Occupation

    • Figure

    • Occasion

    • Fashion

    • Drape cost

    • Workmanship

  • Care and maintenance of clothes −

    • Cleansing agents − soaps and detergents (basic differences and their utility)

    • General principles of stain removal, stain removal of tea, coffee, lipstick, ball pen, Grease, Curry and Blood

  • Storage of clothes

Unit V: Community Development and Extension (Part II)

  • Water safety −

    • Safe drinking water-importance of potable water for good health, and its qualities, simple methods of making water safe for drinking

    • Boiling, filtering (traditional and modern technology), use of alum, chlorine

  • Salient features of income generating schemes

    • DWCRA (Development of Women and Children in Rural Area)

    • MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005)

Unit VI: Career Options after Home Science Education

  • Career options of self and wage employment of various fields of Home Science

Practical Work

1. Human Development: Life Span Approach (Part II)

Activities −

  • Identify the problems of adjustment of adolescents with the help of a tool (group activity) and make a report.

  • Spend a day with an aged person and observe the needs and problems. Write a report.

  • List and discuss 4/5 areas of agreement and disagreement of self with −

    • Mother

    • Father

    • Siblings

    • Friends

    • Teacher

2. Nutrition for Self, Family and Community

Activities −

  • Record meal of a day for an individual and evaluate it against principles of balanced diet

  • Modify and prepare a dish for any one physiological condition −

    • Fever

    • Diarrhoea

    • Constipation

    • Jaundice

    • Hypertension

    • Diabetes

    • Pregnancy

    • Lactations

    • Old age

    • Infants

  • Identify food adulteration: visual and using methods −

    • Turmeric

    • Chana Dal

    • Bura Sugar

    • Milk

    • Tealeaves or Coriander

    • Black Paper Seeds

  • Prepare ORS Solution

3. Money Management and Consumer Education

  • Collect and fill savings account in Post Office and Bank

  • Fill up the forms: Withdrawal, Deposit slips, cheque and paste in the file

  • Collect labels of any three products and compare them with mandatory requirements

  • Prepare one label each of any three household items bearing ISI, FPU, Agmark

4. Apparel: Designing, Selection and Care

  • Illustrate principles of design or elements of art on a paper or cloth and evaluate them

  • Removal of different types of stains −

    • Tea

    • Coffee

    • Curry

    • Grease

    • Blood

    • Lipstick

    • Ball pen

  • Examine and evaluate readymade garments for their workmanship

  • Make sample of Hemming, Backstitch, Interlocking, and Press buttons hooks and eye

5. Community Development and Extension

  • Visit any two places (home/restaurant/school/business centre, etc.) and evaluate its water portability and hygiene

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