CBSE 10th Class Social Science Syllabus


Course Structure

I Term Units Topics Marks
I India and the Contemporary World - II 23
II Contemporary India - II 23
III Democratic Politics - II 22
IV Understanding Economic Development 22
V Disaster Management -
Total 90
II Term Units Topics Marks
I India and the Contemporary World - II 23
II Contemporary India - II 23
III Democratic Politics - II 22
IV Understanding Economic Development 22
V Disaster Management -
Total 90

First Term Course Syllabus

Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World - II

Sub-unit 1.1: Patterns

  • In Sub-unit 1.1, students are required to choose any two themes

  • In that sub-unit, theme 3 is mandatory and for the second theme, students are required to choose any one from the first two themes

  • In Sub Units 1.2 and 1.3, students are required to choose any one theme from each. Likewise, students are required to study four themes in all

Sub-unit 1.2: Livelihoods, Economies and Societies

Any one of the following themes −

Chapter 4: The making of Global World

  • Contrast between the form of industrialization in Britain and India

  • Relationship between handicrafts and industrial production, formal and informal sectors

  • Livelihood of workers. Case studies: Britain and India

Chapter 5: The Age of Indutrialisation

  • Patterns of urbanization
  • Migration and the growth of towns
  • Social change and urban life
  • Merchants, middle classes, workers and urban poor
  • Case Studies − London and Bombay in the nineteenth and twentieth century

Chapter 6: Work, Life and Leisure

  • Expansion and integration of the world market in the nineteenth and early twentieth century

  • Trade and economy between the two Wars

  • Shifts after the 1950s

  • Implications of globalization for livelihood patterns

  • Case study − The post War International Economic order, 1945 to 1960s

Sub-unit 1.3: Everyday Life, Culture and Politics

Any one of the following themes −

Chapter 7: Print Culture and the Modern World

  • The history of print in Europe
  • The growth of press in nineteenth century India
  • Relationship between print culture, public debate and politics

Chapter 8: Novels, Society and History

  • Emergence of the novel as a genre in the west
  • The relationship between the novel and changes in modern society
  • Early novels in nineteenth century India
  • A study of two or three major writers

Unit 2: Contemporary India – II

Chapter 1: Resources and Development

  • Types - natural and human
  • Need for resource planning
  • Natural resources
  • Land as a resource
  • Soil types and distribution
  • Changing land-use pattern
  • Land degradation and conservation measures

Chapter 2: Forest and Wild Life Resources

  • Types and distribution
  • Depletion of flora and fauna
  • Conservation and protection of forest and wild life

Chapter 3: Water Resources

  • Sources
  • Distribution
  • Utilisation
  • Multi-Purpose Projects
  • Water Scarcity
  • Need for Conservation and Management
  • Rainwater Harvesting

One case study

Chapter 4: Agriculture

  • Types of farming
  • Major Crops
  • Cropping Pattern
  • Technological and Institutional Reforms and their Impact
  • Contribution of Agriculture to National Economy
  • Employment and Output

Map work (3 marks)

Unit 3: Democratic Politics - II

Chapter 1 & 2: Power Sharing & Federalism

  • Why and how is power shared in democracies?
  • How has federal division of power in India helped national unity?
  • To what extent has decentralisation achieved this objective?
  • How does democracy accommodate different social groups?

Chapter 3 & 4: Democracy and Diversity & Gender Religion and Caste

  • Are divisions inherent to the working of democracy?
  • What has been the effect of caste on politics and of politics on caste?
  • How has the gender division shaped politics?
  • How do communal divisions affect democracy?

Unit 4: Understanding Economic Development

Chapter 1: Development

  • The traditional notion of development

  • National Income and Per-capita Income

  • Growth of NI - critical appraisal of existing development indicators (PCI, IMR, SR and other income and health indicators)

  • The need for health and educational development

  • Human Development Indicators (in simple and brief as a holistic measure of development

The approach to this theme: Use case study of three states (Kerala, Punjab and Bihar) or take a few countries (India, China, Sri Lanka and one developed country)

Chapter 2: Sectors of the Indian Economy

  • Sectors of Economic Activities
  • Historical change in sectors
  • Rising importance of tertiary sector
  • Employment Generation
  • Division of Sectors Organised and Unorganised
  • Protective measures for unorganised sector workers

Unit 5: Disaster Management

(Through Formative Assessment only)

  • Tsunami
  • Safer Construction Practices
  • Survival Skills
  • Alternate Communication systems during disasters
  • Sharing Responsibility

Second Term Course Syllabus

Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World - II

Sub-unit 1.1: Events and processes

Any two of the following themes −

Chapter 1: The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

  • The growth of nationalism in Europe after the 1830s

  • The ideas of Giuseppe Mazzini, etc

  • General characteristics of the movements in Poland, Hungary, Italy, Germany and Greece

Chapter 2: The Nationalist Movement in Indo – China

  • Factors Leading to Growth of Nationalism in India
    • French colonialism in Indo-China
    • Phases of struggle against the French
    • The ideas of Phan Dinh Phung, Phan Boi Chau, Nguyen Ac Quoc
    • The second world war and the liberation struggle
    • America and the second Indo-China war

Chapter 3: Nationalism in India

  • First world war
  • Khilafat, Non-Cooperation and Civil Disobedience Movement
  • Salt Satyagraha
  • Movements of peasants, workers, tribal
  • Activities of different political groups

Map work based on theme 3 only (3 marks)

Unit 2: Contemporary India – II

Chapter 5: Minerals and Energy Resources

  • Types of minerals
  • Distribution of minerals
  • Use and economic importance of minerals
  • Conservation
  • Types of power resources
    • Conventional
    • Nonconventional
  • Distribution of power resources
  • Utilization of power resources
  • Conservation of power resources

Chapter 6: Manufacturing Industries

  • Types
  • Spatial distribution
  • Contribution of industries to the national economy
  • Industrial pollution and degradation of environment
  • Measures to control degradation

One case study to be introduced

Chapter 7. Life Lines of National Economy

Map Work (3 marks)

Unit 3: Democratic Politics – II

Chapter 5 & 6: Popular Struggles and Movements & Political Parties

  • How do struggles shape democracy in favour of ordinary people?
  • What role do political parties play in competition and contestation?
  • Which are the major national and regional parties in India?
  • Why have social movements come to occupy large role in politics?

Chapter 7: Outcomes of Democracy

  • Can or should democracy be judged by its outcomes?
  • What outcomes can one reasonably expect of democracies?
  • Does democracy in India meet these expectations?
  • Has democracy led to development, security and dignity for the people?
  • What sustains democracy in India?

Chapter 8: Challenges to Democracy

  • Is the idea of democracy shrinking?
  • What are the major challenges to democracy in India?
  • How can democracy be reformed and deepened?
  • What role can an ordinary citizen play in deepening democracy?

Unit 4: Understanding Economic Development

Chapter 3: Money and Credit

  • Role of money in an economy

  • Historical origin

  • Formal and Informal financial institutions for Savings and Credit - General Introduction

  • Select one formal institution such as a nationalized commercial bank and a few informal institutions

  • Local money lenders

  • Landlords

  • Self-help groups

  • Chit funds

  • Private finance companies

Chapter 4: Globalisation and the Indian Economy

  • What is Globalisation (through some simple examples)

  • How India is being globalised and why

  • Development Strategy prior to 1991

  • State Control of Industries

  • Textile goods as an example for elaboration

  • Economic Reforms 1991

  • Strategies adopted in Reform measures (easing of capital flows; migration, investment flows)

  • Different perspectives on globalisation and its impact on different sectors

  • Political Impact of globalisation

Chapter 5: Consumer Rights

  • How consumer is exploited (one or two simple case studies) factors causing exploitation of consumers

  • Rise of consumer awareness

  • How a consumer should be in a market?

  • Role of government in consumer protection

Unit 5: Disaster Management

(Through Formative Assessment only)

  • Tsunami
  • Safer Construction Practices
  • Survival Skills
  • Alternate Communication systems during disasters
  • Sharing Responsibility

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