CBSE 11th Class Economics Syllabus


Course Structure

Units Topics Marks
Part A Statistics For Economics 40
1 Introduction 13
2 Collection, Organisation & Presentation of Data
3 Statistical Tools and Interpretation 27
Part B Indian Economic Development 50
4 Development Experience (1947-90) & 13
Economic Reforms since 1991 12
5 Current Challenges facing Indian Economy 15
6 Development Experience of India – A comparison with Neighbours (OTBA)* 10
Part C Project Work 10
Total 70

Part A: Statistics for Economics

Unit 1: Introduction

  • What is Economics?
  • Meaning, scope and importance of statistics in Economics

Unit 2: Collection, Organisation and Presentation of Data

  • Collection of data

    • Sources of data − primary and secondary

    • How basic data is collected

    • Methods of collecting data

    • Some important sources of secondary data

    • Census of India and National Sample Survey Organisation

  • Organisation of data −

    • Meaning and types of variables

    • Frequency Distribution

  • Presentation of data − Tabular Presentation and Diagrammatic Presentation of Data

    • Geometric forms (bar diagrams and pie diagrams)

    • Frequency diagrams (histogram, polygon and ogive)

    • Arithmetic line graphs (time series graph)

Unit 3: Statistical Tools and Interpretation

  • Measures of Central Tendency −

    • Mean (simple and weighted)

    • Median

    • Mode

  • Measures of Dispersion −

    • Absolute dispersion (range, quartile deviation, mean deviation and standard deviation)

    • Relative dispersion (co-efficient of quartile-deviation, co-efficient of mean deviation, co-efficient of variation)

    • Lorenz Curve − Meaning and its application

  • Correlation −

    • Meaning

    • Scatter diagram

    • Measures of correlation - Karl Pearson's method (two variables ungrouped data) Spearman's rank correlation

  • Introduction to Index Numbers −

    • Meaning

    • Types − Wholesale price index, Consumer price index, Index of industrial production, Uses of index numbers, Inflation and index numbers

  • Some Mathematical tools used in Economics −

    • Equation of a line

    • Slope of a line

    • Slope of a curve

Part B: Indian Economic Development

Unit 4 (a): Development Experience (1947-90)

  • A brief introduction of the state of Indian economy on the eve of independence
  • Common goals of Five Year Plans
  • Agriculture −
    • Main features
    • Problems
    • Policies
    • Institutional aspects
    • New agricultural strategy, etc.
  • Industry −
    • Industrial licensing, etc.
  • Foreign trade

Unit 4 (b): Economic Reforms since 1991

  • Need & main features −
    • Liberalization
    • Globalization
    • Privatization
  • Appraisal of LPG policies

Unit 5: Current challenges facing Indian Economy

  • Poverty −

    • Absolute and relative

    • Main programmes for poverty alleviation

    • A critical assessment

  • Rural development: Key issues

    • Credit and marketing

    • Role of cooperatives

    • Agricultural diversification

    • Alternative farming - organic farming

  • Human Capital Formation −

    • How people become resource

    • Role of human capital in economic development

    • Growth of Education Sector in India

  • Employment −

    • Formal and informal

    • Growth and other issues

    • Problems

    • Policies

  • Inflation −

    • Problems

    • Policies

  • Infrastructure −

    • Meaning and Types

    • Case Studies

    • Energy

    • Health

    • Problems

    • Policies

    • Critical assessment

  • Sustainable Economic Development −

  • Meaning

  • Effects of Economic Development on Resources and Environment, including global warming

Unit 6: Development Experience of India

  • A comparison with neighbours
    • India and Pakistan
    • India and China
  • Issues −
    • Growth
    • Population
    • Sectoral development and other developmental indicators

Part C: Developing Projects in Economics

Some suggestive Topics of Projects −

  • A report on demographic structure of your neighborhood

  • Changing consumer awareness amongst households

  • Dissemination of price information for growers and its impact on consumers

  • Study of a cooperative institution: milk cooperatives, marketing cooperatives, etc.

  • Case studies on public private partnership, outsourcing and outward Foreign Direct Investment

  • Global warming

  • Designing eco-friendly projects applicable in school such as paper and water recycle

Note: Based on Primary, Secondary, or both students need to develop one project from each Part (Part A and Part B).

*The question paper will include a Section on Open Text Based Assessment (OTBA) of 10 marks from unit-6 of Part-B. From this unit, no other questions will be asked in the theory examination. The OTBA will be asked only during the annual examination. The open text material on the identified unit will be supplied to students in advance. The OTBA is designed to test the analytical and higher order thinking skills of students.

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