CBSE 8th Class Social Science Syllabus


Course Structure

Units Topics
Term I
1 Emergence of New Ideas: Renaissance in Europe
2 Renaissance and Humanism
3 Renaissance in Art and Literature
7 Basic concept of Weather and Climate
8 Resources
12 Constitution
13 Kinds of Constitutions (Case Studies)
17 Why Nations Trade
Term II
4 Renaissance and Science
5 Renaissance and Religion
6 New World Order
9 Natural Regions of the World I
10 Natural Regions of the World II
11 Natural Regions of the World III
14 Peace and Conflict Resolution: Meaning; Coexistence; Causes
15 Need for Peace in the Society and Combating Terrorism
16 Importance of Economics in Human Life

Course Syllabus

Unit 1: Emergence of New Ideas: Renaissance in Europe

  • Meaning and Definition of Renaissance
  • Rebirth and Cultural changes of this period
  • Growth of Urban Culture and Revival of the Towns
  • New disciplines (subjects) taught

Unit 2: Renaissance and Humanism

  • Growth of humanist culture in Italian Universities
  • Man as an individual, capable of making his own decision and developing his own skills

Unit 3: Renaissance in Art and Literature

  • The Work of great artists like Leonardo -Da- Vinci, Michelangelo, Donatello, etc

  • The new style of architecture the “Classical Style”

  • The element of realism added to art and architecture by studying, Geometry bone structures, use of light and oil

  • Printing of Classical texts which helped in spreading the torch of knowledge amongst readers

Unit 4: Renaissance and Science

  • Development of Scientific thinking
  • Humanism and Science
  • Scholastic thinking and Science
  • Role of Print Media
  • Scientific revolution

Unit 5: Renaissance and Religion

  • Decline of Catholic Church
  • Religious Growth
  • Protestant Reformation
  • Protestant Movements

Unit 6: New World Order

A. Industrialization of Europe: The Industrial Revolution

  • Industrial Revolution
  • Growth of new Cities
  • Urban Migration
  • Changing Economy
  • Inventions and Inventors
  • Impact of Industrialization on Handicrafts and Cottage Industries

B. Capitalism

  • The Concept and the Meaning of Capitalism
  • Difference between Haves and Have-nots
  • Factor giving birth to Capitalism
  • Characteristic Features of Capitalism

C. Colonization

  • Concept of Colonization
  • Role of Mother Country
  • Political, social and economic changes in the ruled country

D. Imperialism

  • Drain of wealth from the ruled country to the mother country
  • Meaning − Social political and economic domination of one country over the other
  • Causes for the growth of Imperialism

Unit 7: Basic Concepts of Weather and Climate

  • Concept of weather and climate
  • Elements of weather and climate
    • Temperature
    • Pressure
    • Wind -Surface and Upper Air Circulation
    • Humidity - Absolute, Relative
    • Precipitation and types
  • Correlation between temperature and pressure
  • Concept of isotherms, isobars.
  • Local weather conditions
  • Chief characteristics of Tropical,Temperate and Polar regions

Unit 8: Resources

  • Resources and their types −
    • Natural
    • Human
  • Classification of resources based on utility, renewability and sustainability
  • Types of resources −
    • Land – Soil
    • Vegetation
    • Wildlife
    • minerals
    • Water
    • Human
  • Need and conservation of resources

Unit 9: Natural Regions of the World – I

  • Equatorial region
  • Savannah Region
  • Hot Desert Regions
    • Location
    • Climate
    • Natural vegetation
    • Animal life
    • Human response

Unit 10: Natural Regions of the World – II

  • Mediterranean Region
  • Temperate grassland
  • Temperate Desert Regions
    • Location
    • Climate
    • Natural vegetation
    • Animal life
  • Human response

Unit 11: Natural Regions of the World – III

  • Coniferous Forests
  • Tundra Region
    • Location
    • Climate
    • Natural vegetation
    • Animal life
  • Human response

Unit 12: Constitution

  • Meaning, Features, History and growth
  • Meaning of the term Constitution
  • Key features of the Constitution
  • History of the growth of the Constitution

Unit 13: Kinds of Constitutions (Case studies)

  • Kinds of constitution −
    • Codified
    • Uncodified
    • Rigid
    • Flexible
  • Case Studies: Constitutions of England (uncodified) and India (codified)

Unit 14: Peace and Conflict Resolution: Meaning; Co-existence; Causes

  • Meaning of the terms 'peace' and 'conflict' resolution'
  • Co-existence of peace and conflicts in a society
  • Peace as a natural social condition
  • Kinds of conflicts −
    • Economic
    • Socio-cultural
    • Political
    • Religious
  • Causes of Conflicts

Unit 15: Need for Peace in the Society and Combating Terrorism

  • Need for peace
  • Need for Peace Education in schools
  • Concept of Terrorism
  • Effects of Terrorism on various aspects of society
  • Case studies: WTC destruction, Militancy activities
  • Role and responsibility of citizens in combating Terrorism

Unit 16: Importance of Economics in Human Life

  • Importance of economics in human life
  • Concept of
    • Demand
    • Supply
    • Trade

Unit 17: Why Nations Trade

  • Meaning of trade
  • Concept of Domestic trade
  • Concept of International trade

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