CBSE 11th Class Computer Science Syllabus


Course Structure

Units Topics Marks
1 Computer Fundamentals 10
2 Programming Methodology 10
3 Introduction to Python/C++ 18
4 Programming with Python/C++ 30
Total 70

Unit 1: Computer Fundamentals

Chapter 1: Classification of Computers

  • Basics of computer and its operation
  • Functional components and their interconnections
  • Concept of booting

Chapter 2: Software Concepts

  • Types of Software
    • System software
    • Utility software
    • Application software

Chapter 3: System Software

  • Operating system
  • Complier
  • Interpreter and assembler

Chapter 4: Operating System

  • Need for operating system
  • Functions of operating system −
    • Processor management
    • Memory management
    • File management
    • Device management
  • Types of operating system-interactive (GUI based)
  • Time sharing
  • Real time and distributed
  • Commonly used operating system −
    • UNIX
    • LINUX
    • Windows
    • Solaris
    • BOSS (Bharat Operating System Solutions)
  • Mobile OS
    • Android
    • Symbian

Chapter 5: Utility Software

  • Anti-Virus
  • File Management tools
  • Compression tools
  • Disk Management tools −
    • Disk Cleanup
    • Disk Defragmenter Backup

Chapter 6: Open Source Concepts

  • Open source software
  • Freeware, shareware
  • Proprietary software

Chapter 7: Application Software

  • Office tools −
    • Word processor
    • Presentation tool
    • Spreadsheet package
    • Database management system
  • Domain specific tools −
    • School management system
    • Inventory management system
    • Payroll system
    • Financial accounting
    • Hotel management
    • Reservation system
    • Weather forecasting system

Chapter 8: Number System

  • Binary
  • Octal
  • Decimal
  • Hexadecimal
  • Conversion between two different number systems

Chapter 9: Internal Storage encoding of Characters

  • ISCII (Indian Scripts Standard Code for Information Interchange)
  • UNICODE (for multilingual computing)

Chapter 10: Microprocessor

  • Basic concepts
  • Clock speed (MHz, GHz) −
    • 16 bit
    • 32 bit
    • 64 bit
    • 128 bit processors
  • Types −
    • CISC Processors (Complex Instruction Set Computing)
    • RISC Processors (Reduced Instruction Set Computing)
    • EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing)

Chapter 11: Memory Concepts

  • Units −
    • Byte
    • Kilo Byte
    • Mega Byte
    • Giga Byte
    • Tera Byte
    • Peta Byte
    • Exa Byte
    • Zetta Byte
    • Yotta Byte

Chapter 12: Primary Memory

  • Cache
  • RAM
  • ROM

Chapter 13: Secondary Memory

  • Fixed and Removable storage
    • Hard Disk Drive
    • CD/DVD Drive
    • Pen Drive
    • Blue Ray Disk

Chapter 14: Input Output Ports/ Connections

  • Serial
  • Parallel and Universal Serial Bus
  • PS-2 port
  • Infrared port
  • Bluetooth
  • Firewire

Unit 2: Programming Methodology

Chapter 15: General Concepts

  • Clarity and simplicity of expressions
  • Use of proper names for identifiers
  • Comments
  • Indentation
  • Documentation
  • Program maintenance
  • Running and debugging programs
  • Syntax errors
  • Run-time errors
  • Logical errors

Chapter 16: Problem solving methodologies

  • Understanding of the problem
  • Solution for the problem
  • Breaking down solution into simple steps (modular approach)
  • Identification of arithmetic and logical operations required for solution
  • Control structure - conditional control and looping (finite and infinite)

Chapter 17: Problem Solving

  • Introduction to algorithms/flowcharts

Unit 3: Introduction to Python

Chapter 18: Getting Started

  • Introduction to Python:

    • An integrated high level language

    • Interactive mode and script mode

  • Data types −

    • Number (Integer - boolean, decimal, octal, hexadecimal; Floating point; Complex), none, Sequence (String, Tuples, List)

    • Sets

    • Mapping

Chapter 19: Mutable and Immutable Variables

Chapter 20: Variables, Expressions and Statements

  • Values, Variables and keywords

  • Operators and Operands in Python: (Arithmetic, relational and logical operators)

  • operator precedence

  • Expressions and Statements (Assignment statement)

  • Taking input (using raw_input() and input()) and displaying output (print statement)

  • Putting Comments

Chapter 21: Functions

  • Importing Modules (entire module or selected objects)

  • Invoking built in functions

  • Functions from math module (for example, ceil, floor, fabs, exp, log, log10, pow, sqrt, cos, sin, tan, degrees, radians)

  • Using random() and randint() functions of random module to generate random numbers

  • Composition

Chapter 22: Defining functions

  • Invoking functions
  • Passing parameters (default parameter values, keyword arguments)
  • Scope of variables
  • Void functions and functions returning values
  • Flow of execution

Chapter 23: Conditional constructs and looping

  • If else statement while
  • For (range function)
  • Break
  • Continue
  • Else
  • Pass
  • Nested if
  • Nested loops
  • Use of compound expression in conditional and looping construct

Unit 3: Introduction to C++

Chapter 24: Getting Started

  • C++ character set
  • C++ Tokens (Identifiers, Keywords, Constants, Operators,)
  • Structure of a C++ Program (include files, main function)
  • Header files – iostream.h, iomanip.h, cout, cin
  • Use of I/O operators (<<and>>)
  • Use of endl and setw ( )
  • Cascading of I/O operators
  • Compilation
  • Error Messages
  • Use of editor
  • Basic commands of editor
  • Compilation
  • Linking
  • Execution

Chapter 25: Data Types, Variables and Constants

  • Concept of Data types

  • Built-in Data types: char, int, float and double

  • Constants: Integer Constants, Character constants - \n, \t, \b), Floating Point Constants, String Constants

  • Access modifier

  • Variables of built-in-datatypes

  • Declaration/Initialization of variables

  • Assignment statement

  • Type modifier: signed, unsigned, long

Chapter 26: Operator and Expressions: Operators

  • Arithmetic operators (-,&plus;,&ast;,/,%)
  • Assignment operator(=)
  • C&plus;&plus; shorthands (&plus;=,- =,&ast;=,/=,%=)
  • Unary operator (-)
  • Increment(&plus;&plus;) and Decrement (--) Operators
  • Relation operator (>,>=,<=,=,!=)
  • Logical operators (!,&&,II)
  • Conditional operator
  • Precedence of Operators
  • Automatic type conversion in expressions
  • Type casting

Unit 4: Programming with Python

Chapter 27: Strings

  • Creating

  • Initialising and accessing the elements

  • String operators −

    • &plus;, &ast;, in, not in, range slice [n:m]

    • Comparing strings using relational operators

    • String functions & methods − len, capitalize, find, isalnum, isalpha, isdigit, lower, islower, isupper, upper, lstrip, rstrip, isspace, istitile, partition, replace, join, split, count, decode, encode, swapcase, String constants, Regular Expressions and Pattern Matching

Chapter 28: Lists

  • Concept of mutable lists
  • Creating
  • Initializing and accessing the elements
  • Traversing
  • Appending
  • Updating and deleting elements
  • Composition
  • Lists as arguments

Chapter 29: List operations

  • Joining
  • Slicing
  • &plus;
  • &ast;
  • in
  • not in

Chapter 30: List functions and methods

  • len( )
  • insert( )
  • append( )
  • extend( )
  • sort( )
  • remove( )
  • reverse( )
  • pop( )
  • list( )
  • count( )
  • extend( )
  • index( )
  • cmp( )
  • max( )
  • min( )

Chapter 31: Dictionaries

  • Concept of key-value pair
  • Creating, initialising and accessing the elements in a dictionary
  • Traversing
  • Appending
  • Updating
  • Deleting elements

Chapter 32: Dictionary functions and methods

  • cmp( )
  • len( )
  • clear( )
  • get( )
  • has_key( )
  • items( )
  • key( )
  • update( )
  • values( )
  • pop( )
  • fromkeys( )
  • dict( )

Chapter 33: Tuples

  • Immutable concept
  • Creating
  • Initialising and accessing elements in a tuple
  • Tuple assignment
  • Tuple slices
  • Tuple indexing

Chapter 34: Tuple Functions

  • cmp()
  • len()
  • max()
  • min()
  • tuple()
  • index()
  • count()
  • sum()
  • any()
  • all()
  • sorted()
  • reversed()

Unit 4: Programming In C&plus;&plus;

Chapter 35: Flow of control

  • Conditional statements −
    • if else
    • Nested if
    • break statement (to be used in only)
    • Loops: while, do - while, for and Nested loops

Chapter 36: Inbuilt Functions

  • Standard input/output functions - stdio.h: gets ( ), puts ( )

  • Character Functions - Ctype.h: isalnum ( ), isalpha ( ),isdigit ( ), islower ( ), isupper ( ), tolower ( ), toupper ( )

  • String Function - string.h: strcpy ( ), strcat ( ), strlen ( ), strcmp ( ), strcmpi ( ), strev ( ),strlen ( ), strupur ( ), strlwr ( )

  • Mathematical Functions - math.h: fabs ( ), pow ( ), sgrt ( ), sin ( ), cos ( ), abs ( )

  • Other Functions - stdlib.h: randomize ( ), random ( )

Chapter 37: Introduction to user-defined function and its requirements

  • Defining a function
  • Function prototype
  • Invoking/calling a function
  • Passing arguments to function
  • Specifying argument data types
  • Default argument
  • Constant argument
  • Call by value
  • Call by reference
  • Returning values from a function
  • Scope rules
  • Local and global variables
  • Relating to Parameters and return type concepts in built-in functions

Chapter 38: Structured Data Type

  • Arrays −

    • Introduction

    • Advantages

  • One Dimensional Array −

    • Declaration/initialization of One-dimensional array

    • Inputting array elements

    • Accessing array elements

    • manipulation of array elements (sum of elements, product of elements, average of elements linear search, finding maximum/minimum value)

    • Declaration / Initialization of a String

    • String manipulations (counting vowels/ consonants/ digits/ special characters, case conversion, reversing a string, reversing each word of a string)

  • Two-dimensional Array −

    • Declaration/initialization of a two-dimensional array

    • Inputting array elements accessing array elements

    • Manipulation of array elements (sum of row element, column elements, diagonal elements, finding maximum / minimum values)

  • User-defined Data Types −

    • Introduction to user defined data types

  • Structure −

    • Defining a Structure

    • Declaring structure variables

    • Accessing structure elements

    • Passing structure to functions as value and reference

    • Function returning structure

    • Array of structure

  • Defining a symbol name using typed ef keyword and defining a macro using #define preprocessor directive

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