Reasoning - Time Sequence


This is a chapter upon time calculation. By this, it does not mean that we have to calculate hours and minutes; rather we have to go back some weeks or may be some months and years back to estimate the exact day of some particular event.

This may sound weird at first but once you will go through fundamentals and some examples, you will find this chapter to be very easy. So before going to examples, let’s know some fundamental details those are necessary beforehand.

60 seconds = 1 minute

60 minutes = 1 hour

24 hours = 1 day

7 days = 1 week

4 weeks = 1 month

30 days = 1 month

12 months = 1 year

365 days = 1 ordinary year

366 days = 1 leap year

100 years = 1 century

We have already heard about these but it’s time to recollect them. You must also recollect following things and should keep in mind;

  • To revolve complete around its axis, earth takes 1 day.

  • Total time that the earth takes to make a complete revolution around the sun is known as Solar Month and is equals to 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 47 1/2 Seconds.

  • Similarly total time taken by moon to revolve around earth completely is known as Lunar Month and it is nearly equal to 28 days.

  • Each day is supposed to begin at midnight.

Below are some common terminologies −

Terminology Their Meaning
AD Anno Domini
BC Before Christ
AM Ante Meriden
PM Post meriden

The table below describes the common thing that all of us know but it is important in this content to be discussed

Month Name Total num of days
January 31
February 28
March 31
April 30
May 31
June 30
July 31
August 31
September 30
October 31
November 30
December 31

Leap Year − Those years which are completely divisible by 4 are known as leap years and they contain normally 366 days. Thus years like 2000, 2016, and 1996 are leap years whereas 1997, 2001, 2003 are not.

Some other important notes that you should know −

  • Before 1 AD there was no 0 AD instead there was 1 BC. Therefore total number of years between a given AD and BC is the addition of two years followed by subtraction with 1.

  • Weekdays refer to any day in a week except Sunday.

1 - Today is Friday, what will be the day after 91 days?


A - Sunday

B - Tuesday

C - Friday

D - Wednesday

Answer − Option C

Explanation − Every day of the week is repeated after 7 days. Hence, it will be Friday after 91 days. Because 13 × 7 = 91.

2 - Today is Saturday, what will be the day after 59 days?


A - Monday

B - Tuesday

C - Sunday

D - Wednesday

Answer − Option B

Explanation − Each day comes after seven days so 7 × 8 = 56. On 56th day it will be Saturday. Hence on 59th day it will be Tuesday.

3 - How many days are there in between the dates 1st March and 12st March?


A - 13

B - 10

C - 9

D - 14

Answer − Option B

Explanation − In between means both the given dates are not inclusive. Between them is 10 days. So, total 10 days are there.
