Ranking and Order Online Quiz


Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Ranking and Order. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - Forty students are sitting in a row. From left, the position of Ram is 13th. Find the rank of Ram from the right end.

Options :

A - 27

B - 28

C - 29

D - 30

Answer : B


Total number of students is 40.

From the right hand side, the rank of Ram can be written as

Total + left - 1

= 40 - 13 + 1

= 27 + 1

= 28

Q 2 - In a row of boys, the rank of Sanjay is 7th from the top and 13th from the bottom. Similarly, in another row of boys, rank of Deepak is 8th from the top and 14th from the bottom. Calculate the total number of boys present in the two rows.

Options :

A - 38

B - 40

C - 39

D - Data inadequate

Answer : B


Total number of boys present in Sanjay’s row = (13 + 7) - 1 = 19

Total number of boys present in Deepak’s row = (14 + 8) - 1 = 21

Total boys in 2 rows = 21 + 19 = 40

Q 3 - The rank of Sharma is 25th from top and 26th from bottom in a list. If 13 persons have been wrongly listed and hence; will be removed, then what will be the total number of persons in the list?

Options :

A - 36

B - 37

C - 38

D - 39

Answer : B


Before eliminating the wrongly listed names, the total number of persons present in that list will be

25 + 26 - 1

= 50

Now, as 13 persons have been wrongly listed, so total number of persons present in the list are

50 - 13 = 37

Q 4 - In a cinema hall, 35 viewers were sitting in a row. From the right hand side, the position of Kamal was 7th whereas position of Sunil from the left hand side was 9th. Manoj was sitting exactly in between Kamal and Sunil. Find the position of Kamal from Sunil.

Options :

A - 10

B - 11

C - 12

D - 13

Answer : A


Number of viewers sitting in between Kamal and Sunil can be calculated as

35 - (9 + 7) = 19

So we can say now that 9 viewers were present in between Kamal - Manoj and Manoj - Sunil. So the position of Kamal is 10th from Sunil.

Q 5 - If the rank of Hari is 8th from the top in a group of 35 candidates and 2 new candidates are added just before and after him, what will be his new rank from bottom?

Options :

A - 29

B - 30

C - 28

D - 27

Answer : B


Adding of candidates just before Hari will not change his rank from bottom. Before addition, the rank of Hari from bottom is

= (35 - 8) + 1 = 28

Now adding 2 candidates just after Hari will increase his rank by 2 positions. Hence; the new rank of Hari from bottom will be = 28 + 2 = 30.

Q 6 - Rajshri and Shinde are ranked 8th and 12th respectively from the top among 31 students. Determine their ranks from the bottom.

Options :

A - 23 and 20

B - 25 and 20

C - 24 and 20

D - None of these

Answer : C


Total number of students present behind the rank of Rajshri = 31 - 8 = 23

Therefore Rajshri’s rank is 24th from below.

The rank of Shinde is = 31 - 12 = 19

This means that Shinde’s rank will be 20th from bottom.

Q 7 - In a row of boys, one tree is ranked as 16th from left and 8th from right. Calculate the number of boys who should be removed to make it a total of 17.

Options :

A - 2

B - 3

C - 4

D - 6

Answer : D


Total number of boys currently = (16 + 8) - 1 = 23

So, 6 numbers of boys should be removed to make it a total of 17.

Q 8 - In a queue, from the front side, the rank of Amarendra is 10th and Manas is ranked as 25th from behind. Tanmaya is present in the middle of the two persons. If the total number of persons in the queue is 50, then calculate the rank of Tanmaya from the front.

Options :

A - 16

B - 17

C - 18

D - 19

Answer : C


Rank of Manas is 25th from behind. Then from the front side Manas’s rank will be = (50 - 25) + 1 = 26

Between 10th rank and 26th rank, there are 15 students and the middle position will be 8th one. Now, the rank of Tanmaya from the front side will be

= Rank of Amarendra from front side + 8

= 10 + 8

= 18

Q 9 - Harish’s rank is 14th from the top and 13th from the bottom in a group of boys. Similarly, in a group of girls, the rank of Sona is 16th from top and 19th from bottom. What is number of boys and girls respectively?

Options :

A - 26 and 34

B - 34 and 26

C - 27 and 35

D - 35 and 27

Answer : A


As per the rank of Harish, the total number of boys

= 14 + 13 - 1

= 26

As per the rank of Sona, the total number of girls will be

= 16 + 19 - 1

= 34

Q 10 - Rank of Madhaba is 14th from the bottom in a list of 64 boys. What would be his new rank from the top if 3 new boys will be added to the bottom of the list?

Options :

A - 50

B - 51

C - 52

D - 54

Answer : B


Total number of students in the row = 64

Rank of Madhaba from the bottom = 14

So, rank of Madhaba from top would be = (64 - 14) + 1 = 51

Now as adding of new boys to the bottom of the list will not affect the rank of Madhaba from top, hence; his rank will be the 51 from the top, even after the addition.
