Passage and Conclusions - Solved Examples



Meditation is necessary for the purification of your soul and inner healing of your mind. Since the ancient times, monks are using this tool for self realisation. They believe meditation is the only way through which you can get closer to god and can understand your real purpose in this world. Many schools and universities are also adding meditation to their regular curriculum. Though many people try to figure out the proper way of doing it, preachers say that only controlling your breathing sequence is the best way to learn the meditation.

Conclusion −

Q 1 − Meditation is the best way of getting closer to god.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer - (a)


The statement is given in the passage that meditation is the best way to getting closer to god. Hence; the statement is definitely true.


Meditation is necessary for the purification of your soul and inner healing of your mind. Since the ancient times, monks are using this tool for self realisation. They believe meditation is the only way through which you can get closer to god and can understand your real purpose in this world. Many schools and universities are also adding meditation to their regular curriculum. Though many people try to figure out the proper way of doing it, preachers say that only controlling your breathing sequence is the best way to learn the meditation.

Conclusion −

Q 2 − Excess meditation can cause cancer.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer - (d)


The whole passage is telling about the benefits of doing meditation. So statement is probably false but not definitely false.


Meditation is necessary for the purification of your soul and inner healing of your mind. Since the ancient times, monks are using this tool for self realisation. They believe meditation is the only way through which you can get closer to god and can understand your real purpose in this world. Many schools and universities are also adding meditation to their regular curriculum. Though many people try to figure out the proper way of doing it, preachers say that only controlling your breathing sequence is the best way to learn the meditation.

Conclusion −

Q 3 − Like school and universities, office also should make meditation compulsory.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer - (c)


To know the exact result of this action, more statements are required. We cannot exactly predict the probable result of introducing meditation into the busy schedule of office. This may cause both advantage and disadvantage.


Meditation is necessary for the purification of your soul and inner healing of your mind. Since the ancient times, monks are using this tool for self realisation. They believe meditation is the only way through which you can get closer to god and can understand your real purpose in this world. Many schools and universities are also adding meditation to their regular curriculum. Though many people try to figure out the proper way of doing it, preachers say that only controlling your breathing sequence is the best way to learn the meditation.

Conclusion −

Q 4 − Control of breathing is not the only simple way of meditation, there are other ways of doing simple meditation too.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer - (b)


There may be other ways for doing simple meditation but the passage has described about one.


Since ages there have been many debates over the treatment of disease with homeopathy. For many MBBS doctors, till now, homeopathy is just a taboo. They say, it is only there to cure soft disease like cold and cough but cannot even treat a deadly disease like cancer. However; many doctors in homeopathy sector have claimed to cure blood cancer patients through successful treatment. “It will take some time but will eradicate the disease from its root level.”- says Dr P Banerji, a renowned homeopathy doctor of Kolkata. With changing technology many new drugs have been developed in homeopathy that is acting towards the cure of some disease those have no cure in allopathic.

Conclusion −

Q 5 − Homeopathy is not as good as allopathic.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer - (d)


This is not exactly false because people are getting cured from many deadly diseases like blood cancer but till now it has not been successful enough to treat all kind of diseases.


Since ages there have been many debates over the treatment of disease with homeopathy. For many MBBS doctors, till now, homeopathy is just a taboo. They say, it is only there to cure soft disease like cold and cough but cannot even treat a deadly disease like cancer. However; many doctors in homeopathy sector have claimed to cure blood cancer patients through successful treatment. “It will take some time but will eradicate the disease from its root level.”- says Dr P Banerji, a renowned homeopathy doctor of Kolkata. With changing technology many new drugs have been developed in homeopathy that is acting towards the cure of some disease those have no cure in allopathic.

Conclusion −

Q 6 − Brain tumour treatment is not possible through homeopathy.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer - (c)


From the current text of the passage, it is very difficult to justify any answer against this conclusion.


Since ages there have been many debates over the treatment of disease with homeopathy. For many MBBS doctors, till now, homeopathy is just a taboo. They say, it is only there to cure soft disease like cold and cough but cannot even treat a deadly disease like cancer. However; many doctors in homeopathy sector have claimed to cure blood cancer patients through successful treatment. “It will take some time but will eradicate the disease from its root level.”- says Dr P Banerji, a renowned homeopathy doctor of Kolkata. With changing technology many new drugs have been developed in homeopathy that is acting towards the cure of some disease those have no cure in allopathic.

Conclusion −

Q 7 − People can be optimistic about homeopathy.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer - (a)


Off course people can be optimistic. This is because the passage tells about the cases where homeopathy has successfully cured some critical cases.


Since ages there have been many debates over the treatment of disease with homeopathy. For many MBBS doctors, till now, homeopathy is just a taboo. They say, it is only there to cure soft disease like cold and cough but cannot even treat a deadly disease like cancer. However; many doctors in homeopathy sector have claimed to cure blood cancer patients through successful treatment. “It will take some time but will eradicate the disease from its root level.”- says Dr P Banerji, a renowned homeopathy doctor of Kolkata. With changing technology many new drugs have been developed in homeopathy that is acting towards the cure of some disease those have no cure in allopathic.

Conclusion −

Q 8 − Dr P Banerji has good fame in homeopathy treatment.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer - (a)


This can be very much ascertain from the key word renowned used before the name of Dr P Banerji.


Since ages there have been many debates over the treatment of disease with homeopathy. For many MBBS doctors, till now, homeopathy is just a taboo. They say, it is only there to cure soft disease like cold and cough but cannot even treat a deadly disease like cancer. However; many doctors in homeopathy sector have claimed to cure blood cancer patients through successful treatment. “It will take some time but will eradicate the disease from its root level.”- says Dr P Banerji, a renowned homeopathy doctor of Kolkata. With changing technology many new drugs have been developed in homeopathy that is acting towards the cure of some disease those have no cure in allopathic.

Conclusion −

Q 9 − MBBS doctors admire the treatment process of homeopathy.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer - (e)


There is a statement in the passage which tells that for MBBS doctors, homeopathy is just a taboo. Hence; it is pretty sure that they will not admire the works of homeopathy.
