Analytical Online Quiz


Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Analytical. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Read the information given below and answer the question that follow:

B, M, K, P, D, F and H are seven doctors who go to a hospital on four days in a week. Those four days are Saturday, Wednesday, Friday and Tuesday. At least one doctor but not more than two doctors’ go to this hospital on each of those days. Everyone is expert in different fields – ENT, orthopaedics, paediatrics, neurology, ophthalmology, radiology, and oncology.

  • P visits the hospital on Friday with radiologist.

  • The paediatrician does not visit the hospital on Saturday nor with D and H.

  • The oncologist F visits alone on Tuesday.

  • M visits the hospital on Wednesday and he is not a paediatrician.

  • K visits the hospital on Wednesday.

  • H is not a radiologist.

  • The paediatrician visits the hospital with the ENT specialist.

  • The neurologist visits the hospital on Friday.

  • B is neither orthopaedics nor a radiologist.

From the above information, answer the following question

Q 1 - On which of the following days do the specialist in radiology visit?

A - Wednesday

B - Friday

C - Saturday

D - Data missing

Answer : B


Day Doctor(s)
Tuesday F - Oncologist
Wednesday M - ENT, K - Paediatrician
Friday P - Neurologist, D - Radiologist
Saturday B - Ophthalmologist, H - Orthopaedics

From this table we can conclude that Radiologist visits on Friday. The table is made from the information given in the question.

Read the information given below and answer the question that follow:

  • Cricket, softball, carom, football, and volleyball matches are organised in a school during annual sports week from Monday to Saturday. A day has been fixed for each game and one day is the rest day.

  • Carom competition was neither organised on the first nor on the last day but was held earlier than softball competition.

  • Football competition was organised on the immediate next day of the softball competition.

  • Cricket competition was held on the immediate previous day of the rest day.

  • There is a gap of two days between football and volleyball competitions.

  • Volleyball competition was held on the immediate day following the rest day.

Now, based on the information given above, answer the following question.

Q 2 - The gap of how many days is there between volleyball and football competitions?

A - One

B - Two

C - Three

D - Four

Answer : B


Day Play
Monday Cricket
Tuesday Rest day
Wednesday Volleyball
Thursday Carom
Friday Softball
Saturday Football

It is clear from the above table that there is a gap of two days between these two sports. The table is made from the information given in the question.

Read the information given below and answer the question that follow:

Agarkar, Bindu, Chandan, Diandra, Etishree, Fagun and Govinda are studying in seven different branches of engineering namely mechanical, chemical, electrical, electronics, civil, computers and aeronautical engineering but not respectively. Each of them studies in three different colleges X, Y, Z. Not less than two studies in any college. Diandra studies electrical engineering in college X. the one who studies chemical engineering does not study in college Z. Fagun studies aeronautical engineering in college Y with Bindu only. Agarkar does not study in college X and does not study civil engineering. Etishree studies computer engineering and does not study in college X. Govinda studies electronics engineering but not in college X. Nobody in college X studies mechanical or civil engineering.

Based on above information, answer the following question.

Q 3 - Bindu studies in which college?

A - Y

B - Z

C - X

D - Data missing

Answer : A


Friend College Engineering branch
Agarkar Z Mechanical
Bindu Y Civil
Chandan X Chemical
Diandra X Electrical
Etishree Z Computer
Fagun Y Aeronautical
Govinda Z Electronics

From the table we can conclude that Bindu studies in Y college. The table is made from the information given in the question.

Read the information given below and answer the question that follow:

  • H, Q, C, L, N and F are six members of a family.
  • There are two married couples among them.
  • C is the mother of H and F.
  • N is the father of L.
  • H is the grandson of Q.
  • The total number of female members in the family is three.

Based on the information given above answer the following question:

Q 4 - Which of the following is a group of female members?





Answer : D


Male Female
Grand parents N Q
Parents L C
Children H F

Above table is made from the data provided in the question.

QCF is the group of female members.

Read the information given below and answer the question that follow:

P, Q, R, S, T and U are six members of a family. Two married couples are there.

  • Q is a priest and the father of T.
  • U is grandfather of R and is a lawyer.
  • S is a doctor and she is the grandmother of T.

Other professionals include one priest, one lawyer, one engineer, one doctor and two graduates in the family.

Based on the data provided above answer the following question.

Q 5 - What is the profession of T?

A - Student

B - Engineer

C - Doctor

D - Data missing

Answer : A


The family tree is like this:




Persons Professions
P Engineer
Q Priest
R Student
S Doctor
T Student
U Lawyer

Above table is made from the data provided in the question.

T is a student.

Read the information given below and answer the question that follow:

A, B, C, D, E and F work in different companies namely OCL, JINDAL, IOCL, PPSPL, Snapdeal and VIVO, and BHUSAN and each of them wears shirts of different colours viz. blue, green, pink, yellow, purple and red but it is not mandatory that they will wear in the same order.

Person wearing shirt of blue colour works in PPSPL and the person who works in OCL wears shirt of green colour.

  • F does not work in IOCL or Snapdeal and VIVO.

  • A wears pink shirt and works in JINDAL.

  • D does not work in Snapdeal and VIVO and purple coloured shirts are not sponsored by IOCL.

  • E works in BHUSAN and neither D nor B works in PPSPL.

  • Snapdeal and VIVO does not sponsor purple or yellow coloured shirts and C works in OCL.

Based on the information given above, answer the following question:

Q 6 - D wears the shirt of which of the following colours?

A - Blue

B - Purple

C - Yellow

D - Green

Answer : C


Friend Colour Company
B Red Snapdeal and VIVO
C Green OCL
D Yellow IOCL

Above table is made from the data provided in the question.

D wears yellow colour.

Read the information given below and answer the question that follow:

  • M, N, O, P, Q and R are six members of a family.
  • There are two married couples among them.
  • O is the mother of M and R.
  • Q is the father of P.
  • M is the grandson of N.
  • The total number of female members in the family is three.

Based on the information given above, answer the following question:

Q 7 - Which of the following pairs is one of the married couples?

A - MN

B - MQ

C - QN

D - QR

Answer : C


Male Female
Grand parents Q N
Parents P O
Children M R

Above table is made from the data provided in the question.

QN is a married couple in the family.

Read the information given below and answer the questions that follow:

Six members of a family are A, B, C, D, E and F. who like different colours. There are two married couples. B likes dark colour and is the father of E. F is grandfather of C and likes cement colour. D is grandmother of E and likes blue colour. The choices of the colour is dark, cement, blue, red, orange and green. There are two students in the family who like orange and green colours.

Based on the data provided above, answer the following question.

Q 8 - Who is the sister of E?

A - C

B - F

C - E

D - Data missing

Answer : D


The family tree is like this:




Persons Colours
A Red
B Dark
C Orange
D Blue
E Green
F Cement

Above table is made from the data provided in the question.

Data is inadequate to answer the above question.

Read the information given below and answer the questions that follow:

Six persons of a family are A, B, C, D, E, and F. B and C are sisters. E is mother of C and A is son-in-law of D. D is father of B. F is grandson of E and B is mother of F.

Based on the data provided above, answer the following question.

Q 9 - How is C related to F?

A - Aunt

B - Niece

C - Sister

D - Mother

Answer : A


C is sister of B and B is mother of F. hence, C is aunt of F.

Read the information given below and answer the questions that follow:

  • E, F, G, H, I and J are in a family.
  • There are two married couples among them.
  • G is the mother of E and J.
  • I is the father of H.
  • E is the grandson of F.
  • The total number of females is three.

Based on the information given above answer the following question:

Q 10 - Which of the following pairs is one of the married couples?

A - EF

B - FG

C - IF

D - JI

Answer : C


Male Female
Grand parents I F
Parents H G
Children E J

Above table is made from the data provided in the question.

IF is a married couple in the family.
