Theme Detection - Solved Examples


Q 1 − People say that it is a bad habit to sleep in the afternoon but a slight modification in the method can largely affect your productivity. Instead of sleeping for long hours, you can take rest for few minutes by closing your eyes. Research says that a small nap of 10 minutes is powerful enough to re-energize you.

From the passage, the statement that best supports the theme of the passage is

Options :

A - Taking power nap can help in increasing your productivity.

B - Do not sleep for longer hours in afternoon.

C - Try to sleep not more than 10 minutes in the afternoon.

D - None of the above

Answer - A


Option A best describes the theme of the passage.

Q 2 − Yoga is very beneficial in eradicating life-threatening diseases of the human body. Simultaneously, if not done according to the procedure, it can have adverse effects on the body too. Many people have complained about their disease becoming more serious after performing yoga. It was later found that the way they practised was wrong.

From the passage, the statement that best supports the theme of the passage is

Options :

A - Yoga should be avoided.

B - Yoga should be practised under the guidance of an expert.

C - Meditation is better than yoga.

D - None of these

Answer - B


Option B best describes the theme of the passage.

Q 3 − Swami Vivekananda has said that “If you are not talking to yourself daily, then you are missing a great person”. It is true in the context that by talking to yourself daily you can realize your strong and weak points. This will let you keep a track of your personality.

From the passage, the statement that best supports the theme of the passage is

Options :

A - It is good to put a habit of talking to yourself daily.

B - It is not good to keep silence with yourself.

C - Vivekananda has told to talk more.

D - None of the above

Answer - A


Option A best describes the theme of the passage.

Q 4 − Writers are those free birds who have the liberty of expressing their thoughts against the different sections of society, including government. But nowadays, they are reaming under the political pressure. Some do not even fear to be bribed.

From the passage, the statement that best supports the theme of the passage is

Options :

A - Writers should not work under anyone’s order.

B - Those writers who are accepting bribe should be jailed.

C - Bribe is not good.

D - None of the above

Answer - A


Option A best describes the theme of the passage.

Q 5 − The basic principle to expand your business is that, the company should be more service-oriented rather than focusing only on the production. This requires active participation of the managers with the other people rather than the products and the assemblies.

The passage well describes:

Options :

A - Focus on service not on production

B - In the upcoming days, the most important factor will be interpersonal skills.

C - Managers should be good at talking to people.

D - None of the above can describe the passage well.

Answer - B


Unless you have some interpersonal skills, it will be difficult to maintain the smooth sailing of the production.

Q 6 − Gone are the days where you used to score good marks by reading your books and subjects prescribed in your course of syllabus. Now every board of education is changing their style of education and exam format. Nowadays, to get good marks, you have to read the out of the regular course of syllabus and also take help of the Internet if needed.

The passage well describes the fact:

Options :

A - Internet is necessary nowadays.

B - You need to focus less on outside activities and more on study.

C - Knowledge of a particular subject in all aspects is important.

D - Study has become so important that all extracurricular activities should be curbed.

Answer - C


The passage is clearly depicting the importance of gaining the knowledge on overall front for a particular subject.

Q 7 − There is a thin line that separates the two words — “relationship” and “friendship”. If one boy and girl are closely associated with each other mentally and emotionally, that does not mean that they are in relationship. Good friends can also share this strong emotional bond.

This passage is trying to convince the fact that:

Options :

A - Friends can also share strong mental and emotional attachment.

B - Relationship is more complex than friendship.

C - The persons who are good friends are in relationship with each other.

D - The persons who are in relationships are good friends.

Answer - A


This passage is clearly describing the fact that friends can also share the same emotional and mental attachment as by people in relationships.

Q 8 − Through heavy industrial revolution, the businessman has changed the whole gesture of people. They have provided the people with world class luxury items and have introduced them to the modern standard of living. Past few centuries the standard of people has been changed by the businessman.

The passage clearly talks about:

Options :

A - In the past few years, business has increased rapidly.

B - Everybody should do business

C - People need to thank the businessman

D - When it comes to the growth of civilization and the standards of people, the contribution of the businessman is more.

Answer - D


The answer can be best understood by reading the passage well.

Q 9 − There are two types of brain tumour; one that grows very fast and other one is just opposite. Most doctors suggest, surgery as the primary option but unless the tumour is removed completely, there is a fair chance of re-growing of the tumour. Thanks to the advance technology, like cyberknife treatment, that provides the option of complete removal of tumour through radiation therapy. It is painless procedure and during treatment patient can continue his/her regular duty.

Options :

A - Surgery is not the primary solution for every tumour.

B - Not every doctor is upgraded with latest technology.

C - Both A and B are true.

D - None of the above

Answer - A


As we can see cyberknife is providing an alternative to surgery, hence option A describes the theme of the passage more clearly.

Q 10 − Tablets are making people crazy. They are wasting their valuable time chatting with others, surfing on net, and playing games but still there are many advantages of having a smartphone.

What is the theme of the passage?

Options :

A - Author is optimistic on using tablets.

B - Author is pessimistic on using tablets.

C - Author is neutral on using tablets.

D - None of the above

Answer - A


According to author, despite of dark sides, there are many brighter side of using a smartphone.
