Machine Input Output Online Quiz


Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Machine Input Output. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

A machine generates pass codes step-by-step following certain rules as illustrated below.

Input anger near 53 72 61 69 height rest

Step I 69 anger near 53 72 61 height rest

Step II 69 near anger 53 72 61 height rest

Step III 69 near 53 anger 72 61 height rest

Step IV 69 near 53 height anger 72 61 rest

Step V 69 near 53 height 72 anger 61 rest

By following the above arrangement a new machine input will be given and you have to answer the question following that input.

If the input is: 42 there 78 18 47 ok always go

Q 1 - Which word or number comes after ‘always’ in the 6th step?

Options :

A - 47

B - 18

C - Ok

D - There

Answer : A


The arrangement will be of six steps to bring the final step and the sequence will be as follows.

Step I 18 42 there 78 47 ok always go

Step II 18 always 42 there 78 47 ok go

Step III 18 always 47 42 there 78 ok go

Step IV 18 always 47 go 42 there 78 ok

Step V 18 always 47 go 78 42 there ok

Step VI 18 always 47 go 78 there 42 ok

The answer is 47 as it comes after ‘always’ in the 6th step.

Input 96 gain 36 forest 83 78 peek terrace

Step I peek 96 gain 36 forest 83 78 terrace

Step II peek 83 96 gain 36 forest 78 terrace

Step III peek 83 forest 96 gain 36 78 terrace

Step IV peek 83 forest 36 gain 96 78 terrace

Step V peek 83 forest 36 gain 78 96 terrace

Step VI peek 83 forest 36 gain 78 terrace 96

If the input is: 99 87 adapt 46 58 boy ball get

Q 2 - Which word or number comes after ‘99’ in the 7th step?

Options :

A - 99

B - 87

C - ball

D - no numbers

Answer : D


The arrangement will be of seven steps to bring the final step and the sequence will be as follows.

Step I adapt 99 87 46 58 boy ball get

Step II adapt 46 99 87 58 boy ball get

Step III adapt 46 ball 99 87 58 boy get

Step IV adapt 46 ball 58 99 87 boy get

Step V adapt 46 ball 58 boy 99 87 get

Step VI adapt 46 ball 58 boy 87 99 get

Step VII adapt 46 ball 58 boy 87 get 99

The number 99 comes at the end of the line so no numbers or words are there.

Input buy pack 81 32 golf 59 then 56

Step I pack buy 81 32 golf 59 then 56

Step II pack 59 buy 81 32 golf then 56

Step III pack 59 golf buy 81 32 then 56

Step IV pack 59 golf 56 buy 81 32 then

Step V pack 59 golf 56 buy 32 81 then

Step VI pack 59 golf 56 buy 32 then 81

If the input is: year 39 give 47 house full 94 55

Q 3 - Which word or number comes between 4th and 8th word or number from left in the 3rd step of input?

Options :

A - 47

B - give

C - full

D - year

Answer : B


The arrangement will be of six steps to bring the final step and the sequence will be as follows.

Step I full year 39 give 47 house 94 55

Step II full 94 year 39 give 47 house 55

Step III full 94 house year 39 give 47 55

Step IV full 94 house 55 year 39 give 47

Step V full 94 house 55 give year 39 47

Step VI full 94 house 55 give 47 year 39

The word between 4th or 8th word or number from left in the 3rd step of input is give.

Output found never 37 58 ok 96 no 23

Step I 23 found never 37 58 ok 96 no

Step II 23 ok found never 37 58 96 no

Step III 23 ok 96 found never 37 58 no

Step IV 23 ok 96 never found 37 58 no

Step V 23 ok 96 never 37 found 58 no

Step VI 23 ok 96 never 37 no found 58

Step VII 23 ok 96 never 37 no 58 found

If the output is: later out time for 63 84 41 95

Q 4 - Which word or number comes between 3rd and 7th word or number from left of 3rd step of output?

Options :

A - Out

B - Later

C - 84

D - 41

Answer : A


The arrangement will be of six steps to bring the final step and the sequence will be as follows.

Step I 41 later out time for 63 84 95

Step II 41 for later out time 63 84 95

Step III 41 for 63 later out time 84 9

Step IV 41 for 63 out later time 84 95

Step V 41 for 63 out 84 later time 95

Step VI 41 for 63 out 84 later 95 time

The word between 3rd and 7th word or number from left of 3rd step of output is out.

Input night cast 25 31 then from 94 65

Step I 31 night cast 25 then from 94 65

Step II 31 then night cast 25 from 94 65

Step III 31 then 25 nights cast from 94 65

Step IV 31 then 25 from nights cast 94 65

Step V 31 then 25 from 94 night cast 65

Step VI 31 then 25 from 94 night 65 cast

If the input is: 37 yellow 61 42 53 violet green red

Q 5 - Which is the fourth word or number from right in the fourth step?

Options :

A - yellow

B - violet

C - green

D - 53

Answer : D


The arrangement will be of four steps to bring the final step and the sequence will be as follows.

Step I 37 yellow 42 61 53 violet green red

Step II 37 yellow 42 violet 61 53 green red

Step III 37 yellow 42 violet 53 61 green red

Step IV 37 yellow 42 violet 53 red 61 green

The number 53 is the answer according to the question.

Input told nine 73 84 agree 32 some 65

Step I 73 told nine 84 agree 32 some 65

Step II 73 told 84 nine agree 32 some 65

Step III 73 told 84 nine 65 agree 32 some

Step IV 73 told 84 nine 65 some agree 32

Step V 73 told 84 nine 65 some 32 agree

If the input is: mobile laptop 24 link 81 57 41 book

Q 6 - How many steps are required to bring the last step of the input?

Options :

A - 5

B - 6

C - 7

D - 4

Answer : B


The arrangement will be like this

Step I 81 mobile laptop 24 link 57 41 book

Step II 81 mobile 24 laptop link 57 41 book

Step III 81 mobile 24 link laptop 57 41 book

Step IV 81 mobile 24 link 41 laptop 57 book

Step V 81 mobile 24 link 41 book laptop 57

Step VI 81 mobile 24 link 41 book 57 laptop

Hence we require six steps to finish the arrangement.

Input come of give though me hard Give test bug

Step I test come of give though me hard Give bug

Step II test bug come of give though me hard Give

Step III test me bug come of give though hard Give

Step IV test bug me hard come of give though Give

Step V test bug me hard of come give though Give

Step VI test bug me hard of come though give Give

Step VII test bug me hard of come though Give give

If input in the machine is : over go for zebra through at are

Q 7 - Which word comes after ‘through’ in the last step?

Options :

A - are

B - at

C - zebra

D - through

Answer : C


The arrangement of the above sequence will be like this −

Step I are over go for zebra through at

Step II are at over go for zebra through

Step III are at for over go zebra through

Step IV are at for go over zebra through

Step V are at for go over through zebra

The word zebra will come after ‘through’ in the last step.

Input 32 44 87 98 65 15 61 75

Step I 15 32 44 87 98 65 61 75

Step II 15 32 44 61 87 98 65 75

Step III 15 32 44 61 65 87 98 75

Step IV 15 32 44 61 65 75 87 98

If input in the machine is : 67 7 19 96 56 34 38 91

Q 8 - Which is second number from right in the sixth step of input?

Options :

A - 34

B - 19

C - 91

D - 7

Answer : C


Six steps are required to reach the final step of the given input because the arrangement will be like this −

Step I 7 67 19 96 56 34 38 91

Step II 7 19 67 96 56 34 38 91

Step III 7 19 38 67 96 56 34 91

Step IV 7 19 38 34 67 96 56 91

Step V 7 19 38 34 56 67 96 91

Step VI 7 19 38 34 56 67 91 96

The number 91 is the second number from right in the sixth step of input.

Input 39 go house above23 74 then 67

Step I above 39 go house 23 74 then 67

Step II above 67 39 go house 23 74 then

Step III above 67 then 39 go house 23 74

Step IV above 67 then 23 39 go house 74

Step V above 67 then 23 house 39 go 74

Step VI above 67 then 23 house 74 39 go

Step VII above 67 then 23 house 74 go 39

If input in the machine is : kind 38 73 18 loud give 17 mind

Q 9 - Which word or number comes after ‘kind’ in the 5th step?

Options :

A - give

B - loud

C - mind

D - 38

Answer : D


It requires six steps to complete the arrangement and the arrangement of the above sequence will be like this −

Step I give kind 38 73 18 loud 17 mind

Step II give 17 kind 38 73 18 loud mind

Step III give 17 mind kind 38 73 18 loud

Step IV give 17 mind 18 kind 38 73 loud

Step V give 17 mind 18 loud kind 38 73

Step VI give 17 mind 18 loud 38 kind 73

The number 38 comes after ‘kind’ in the 5th step.

Input 17 23 38 13 47 37 19 79

Step I 79 23 38 13 47 37 19 17

Step II 79 47 38 13 23 37 19 17

Step III 79 47 37 13 23 38 19 17

Step IV 79 47 37 38 23 13 19 17

Step V 79 47 37 38 23 19 13 17

Step VI 79 47 37 38 23 19 17 13

If input in the machine is : 13 67 95 84 76 18 38 78

Q 10 - Which word or number comes after ‘38’ in the 6th step?

Options :

A - 95

B - 76

C - 38

D - 13

Answer : D


It requires seven steps to complete the arrangement and the arrangement of the above sequence will be like this

Step I 95 13 67 84 76 18 38 78

Step II 95 84 13 67 76 18 38 78

Step III 95 84 78 13 67 76 18 38

Step IV 95 84 78 76 13 67 18 38

Step V 95 84 78 76 67 13 18 38

Step VI 95 84 78 76 67 38 13 18

Step VII 95 84 78 76 67 38 18 13

The number 13 comes after ‘38’ in the 6th step.
