Passage and Conclusions Online Quiz


Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Passage and Conclusions. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers


In India, urban expansion is happening at good rate but urban services have not expanded fast enough to cope with it. In the urban area, both the public and private infrastructure quality has declined. Public includes water and sewage systems and private includes low income area housing and others. It seems clear about the impact of the environment in which we and our children live. The rise in absolute poverty and decline in average food availability are pointing in the same unsatisfactory directions.

Conclusion −

Q 1 - The environment around us plays an important role on the health status.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (a)


The passage has mentioned that environment plays an important role on health status. Hence the conclusion definitely follows.


Many factors are responsible for Cardiac myopathy. An assailment from one of the 20 identified viruses, long term alcohol abuse and blood pressure could bring it on, and becomes hereditary and is even transformed to families. Some days ago, a radical incipient surgery procedure has been launched in India, is holding out fresh hope. Indian technique allows patients to go home a fortnight after the operation to lead a near-mundane sedentary life. The condition is marked by increase in the size of heart`s chambers and a decrease in the efficiency of pumping.

Conclusion −

Q 2 - Earlier, the patients suffering from this disease were required to travel abroad for such operations.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (c)


Data given in this conclusion is inadequate according to the passage.


The world was rocked with the news of multiple terrorist attacks in Paris, France, on 13th November. The assailment consisted of shooting the mass people, suicide bombings and captivating hostages resulting in 129 people lost their lives. The assailment is the worst incident to occur in France since World War II. Western Europe experienced such incident after the Madrid train attacks in 2004 that took 191 lives.

Conclusion −

Q 3 - Next year, London may also face such a situation.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (c)


This conclusion is neither true nor false because nothing is stated about this in the passage.


The world was rocked with the news of multiple terrorist attacks in Paris, France, on 13th November. The assailment consisted of shooting the mass people, suicide bombings and captivating hostages resulting in 129 people lost their lives. The assailment is the worst incident to occur in France since World War II. Western Europe experienced such incident after the Madrid train attacks in 2004 that took 191 lives.

Conclusion −

Q 4 - The world has never thought of such an attack on Paris as it has an open culture.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (b)


This conclusion is probably true because Paris has open culture and is a peaceful city.


At the India-Africa forum, summit was held at New Delhi in which heads of 41 state government of 54 countries in Africa have participated. It was ended on 29 October and had witnessed larger gathering of foreign dignitaries in New Delhi since 1983 summit. The information was passed as: India wants to energise its relations with the continent with which it had politically strong bonding after independence but could not get success. This is the current government’s huge success in involving delegates from a large number of African nations. The number of Africans turning over to India was also maximum since ever.

Conclusion −

Q 5 - Currently India don’t have any good relationship with Africa.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (c)


There is nothing stated on political scenario so data is inadequate.


Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan won Nobel Prize, which was expected off course but Kailash Satyarthi of India also won; that was a bit unexpected. He is the founder of Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA) and might have won this award due to the fair judgement of judges. This time it is a matter of celebration for us. World has done lot more for Malala that she could have done ever. But our expectations should be limited from a 17-year old as she is the youngestever Nobel awardees. She made herself idol for many. She showed praise worthy courage in the swat valley against the Taliban, who had banned education for girls.

Conclusion −

Q 6 - Taliban wants men to become terrorist and help in terrorist activity.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (c)


Data is inadequate as nothing is mentioned about Taliban`s intention on men.


The news came into the limelight that three scientists won The Nobel Prize for discovering on practical LED lighting and many people thought of their LED TV screen or perhaps switching over to an energy-efficient illumination at their homes. LED bulbs were earlier unknown to people after the revolution has become more popular. People leading life without reliable source of electricity has been best benefited through LED lights. Coated semiconductors are the base to produce lights in LED (Light Emitting Diode). On the other hand, Blue LEDs became the base for the production of LED Lamps that also became popular.

Conclusion −

Q 7 - Earlier practical household LED lighting was not possible.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (a)


This is completely true as it is mentioned in the second line of the paragraph.


The news came into the limelight that three scientists won The Nobel Prize for discovering on practical LED lighting and many people thought of their LED TV screen or perhaps switching over to an energy-efficient illumination at their homes. LED bulbs were earlier unknown to people after the revolution has become more popular. People leading life without reliable source of electricity has been best benefited through LED lights. Coated semiconductors are the base to produce lights in LED (Light Emitting Diode). On the other hand, Blue LEDs became the base for the production of LED Lamps that also became popular.

Conclusion −

Q 8 - LED makes use of treated or coated semiconductors to produce light.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (a)


This conclusion is absolutely true.


BIS certification marks scheme has an essential feature where certified products go through independent testing. BIS has more than eight laboratories in India which are in a position to issue more than 42000 test reports in a year. The testing facilities is always augmented and modernised and these laboratories are always constantly expanded. BIS has also approved two hundred and eighty laboratories in public and private sectors for testing products under its certification scheme.

Conclusion −

Q 9 - The BIS has no dynamism in its workings.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (e)


This conclusion is completely false.


Nearly 100 million people in India lack access to safe drinking water and over 700 mn continue to defecate in the open. Over 600000 children under 5 years lose their lives to water and sanitation related diseases like diarrhoea and pneumonia every year. In this context, the recent launch of the swacch bharat abhiyan(the clean India campaign) by our PM Modi can be seen as a welcome and much needed step. However, if the campaign is to go beyond symbolism and actually achieve the goal of making India open-defecationfree by 2019, it needs a multi-pronged strategy. The swacch bharat concept is launched to pave access for every person to sanitation facilities. We have to achieve this by 2019 as a befitting tribute to the father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary.

Conclusion −

Q 10 - Swacch bharat mission is to clean India and make it like European countries.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (b)


As European countries are very clean and if we assume that, then this conclusion is probably true.
