Reasoning - Cause and Effect


In this type of reasoning, each question contains two statements and the students have to find out relationship between the two statements. Here the students have to test whether the statements are related to each other or not. Read them and choose the best option that describes the relationship between them. These types of problems judge the reasoning and analytical power of the students. So, students are advised to read the statements very well to arrive at a particular conclusion.


Statement −

I. Every body should work hard.

II. The only way to achieve success is to work hard.

A - Statement I is the reason and statement II is the response.

B - Statement II is the reason and statement I is the response.

C - Both the statements I and II are the not depended reasons.

D - Both the statements I and II are the response of not depended reasons.

E - Both the statements I and II are the response of some common reasons.

Answer − Option A

Explanation −

In the statement I, it told about a generic statement. Working hard can be taken as a reason but to describe it as a reason there should be some response. The response is shown in statement II that tells that through hard work one can achieve success. Hence it shows that, statement I is the reason and statement II is the response.


Here we will discuss about those cases where there will be a direct reason and response type of statement will be present in the question. The last example that we have discussed goes under this category. Now let’s discuss another problem of the same kind.

Statement −

I. Apple has vitamin D that helps in boosting immunity.

II. Doctors advice to eat an apple every day.

Answer − Option B

Explanation −

Here we can clearly see the reason is statement II. This is a reason to describe its response. Statement I that tells the necessity of consuming an apple every day.


Here we will discuss about those cases in which Both the statements will be the response of some common reason. Let’s analyse it with an example.

Statement −

I. There has been a curfew in the city.

II. 24 hours police patrolling is going on in the city.

Answer − Option E

Explanation −

Clearly Both the statements are directing towards a common reason. To simply our thought process we can assume that for some common reason like Hindu –Muslim riot must have been reason this type of situation.


Sometimes the two statements are the response of some not depended reasons. Let’s try to analyse this with an example.

Statement −

I. There has been a curfew in the city.

II. Doctors advice to eat an apple every day.

Answer − Option D


We can clearly analyse one thing that, eating apple and curfew are nowhere related to each other. Hence; they must be the response of not depended reasons.
