Reasoning - Passage and Conclusions


This particular section of reasoning demands a through reading of a passage with a clear understanding of the subject and then judging the truth of certain pre-given statements based upon your vision of understanding but that should match the questioner’s vision of understanding too. This process can be made simpler by using the the correct way of logical interpretation of the passage. Any statement that seems to be probably true should not be marked with True. Off course the idea of judging the statements from the given passage can be well understood with number of practise sessions.

In this tutorial, we will first go through an example to understand the subject matter in detail and then through quiz questions, we will move into exercises. There will be detailed explanations for every answer. Reader is advised to follow through the sequence to get the better result.


In the present scenario, the idea of entrepreneurship is getting wide spread popularity. This does not mean that many people are getting attracted to start their own business but it is due to the fact that the job market is getting narrow. The number of unemployed engineering graduates are getting multiplied every year. Now is the time to create a start up and to do something for you. But this requires a clear visionary and a lot of patience followed by hard work. Prime minister’s Make in India and Made in India campaign are also aiding fuel to the whole process. If such initiatives will get right direction and acclaim, then soon India can eradicate the black patch of unemployment from its head.


The present situation shows the number of people getting jobs is more than that of previous years.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer − Option (e)


The passage is clearly talking about the problems of unemployment. This clearly indicates that the number of jobless people has increased than before. So, we can conclude that the given statement is definitely false.


In the present scenario, the idea of entrepreneurship is getting wide spread popularity. This does not mean that many people are getting attracted to start their own business but it is due to the fact that the job market is getting narrow. The number of unemployed engineering graduates are getting multiplied every year. Now is the time to create a start up and to do something for you. But this requires a clear visionary and a lot of patience followed by hard work. Prime minister’s Make in India and Made in India campaign are also aiding fuel to the whole process. If such initiatives will get right direction and acclaim, then soon India can eradicate the black patch of unemployment from its head.


Engineering graduates are only the worst sufferers of this situation.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer − Option (c)


It is given in the statement that the number of unemployed engineers is getting multiplied. But the passage has not told anything specific that whether only the engineers are the worst hit of the situation or people with some other profession also facing heat. So, this indicates that the statement may be true or false. This is because it needs some extra statement to clarify.


In the present scenario, the idea of entrepreneurship is getting wide spread popularity. This does not mean that many people are getting attracted to start their own business but it is due to the fact that the job market is getting narrow. The number of unemployed engineering graduates are getting multiplied every year. Now is the time to create a start up and to do something for you. But this requires a clear visionary and a lot of patience followed by hard work. Prime minister’s Make in India and Made in India campaign are also aiding fuel to the whole process. If such initiatives will get right direction and acclaim, then soon India can eradicate the black patch of unemployment from its head.


Entrepreneurship can be seen as an ultimate solution of this problem.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer − Option (a)


Yes; because as the job market is getting narrow and the number of unemployed people is increasing, entrepreneurship can solve both these problems by creating enough job market. People can generate job and other people can get jobs easily.


In the present scenario, the idea of entrepreneurship is getting wide spread popularity. This does not mean that many people are getting attracted to start their own business but it is due to the fact that the job market is getting narrow. The number of unemployed engineering graduates are getting multiplied every year. Now is the time to create a start up and to do something for you. But this requires a clear visionary and a lot of patience followed by hard work. Prime minister’s Make in India and Made in India campaign are also aiding fuel to the whole process. If such initiatives will get right direction and acclaim, then soon India can eradicate the black patch of unemployment from its head.


Make in India campaign will definitely influence all people to start entrepreneurship.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer − Option (b)


Make in India is a campaign that aims at producing more entrepreneurs according to the passage but it’s success solely depends upon the way government will promote and market this. If the exact massage can be successfully derived to each corner of the country then it may help. So, it can be probably true but not definitely true.


In the present scenario, the idea of entrepreneurship is getting wide spread popularity. This does not mean that many people are getting attracted to start their own business but it is due to the fact that the job market is getting narrow. The number of unemployed engineering graduates are getting multiplied every year. Now is the time to create a start up and to do something for you. But this requires a clear visionary and a lot of patience followed by hard work. Prime minister’s Make in India and Made in India campaign are also aiding fuel to the whole process. If such initiatives will get right direction and acclaim, then soon India can eradicate the black patch of unemployment from its head.


Clear vision and hard work are necessary to become a successful entrepreneur.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer − Option (a)


Clearly these are the words that are clearly mentioned in the passage. So, we can clearly conclude that hard work and clear vision are necessary to establish yourself as a successful entrepreneur.
