Angular Material 7 - Tree


The <mat-tree>, an Angular Directive, is used to create a tree with material styling to display hierachical data.

In this chapter, we will showcase the configuration required to draw a tree using Angular Material.

Following is the content of the modified module descriptor app.module.ts.

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import {BrowserAnimationsModule} from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
import {MatTreeModule, MatIconModule, MatButtonModule} from '@angular/material'
import {FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule} from '@angular/forms';
   declarations: [
   imports: [
      MatTreeModule, MatIconModule, MatButtonModule,
   providers: [],
   bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Following is the content of the modified HTML host file app.component.html.

<mat-tree [dataSource] = "dataSource" [treeControl] = "treeControl">
   <mat-tree-node *matTreeNodeDef = "let node" matTreeNodeToggle matTreeNodePadding>
      <button mat-icon-button disabled></button>
      {{node.filename}} : {{node.type}}
   <mat-tree-node *matTreeNodeDef = "let node;when: hasChild" matTreeNodePadding>
      <button mat-icon-button matTreeNodeToggle [attr.aria-label] = "'toggle ' + node.filename">
         <mat-icon class = "mat-icon-rtl-mirror">
            {{treeControl.isExpanded(node) ? 'expand_more' : 'chevron_right'}}

Following is the content of the modified ts file app.component.ts.

import {FlatTreeControl} from '@angular/cdk/tree';
import {Component, Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {MatTreeFlatDataSource, MatTreeFlattener} from '@angular/material/tree';
import {BehaviorSubject, Observable, of as observableOf} from 'rxjs';
export class FileNode {
   children: FileNode[];
   filename: string;
   type: any;
export class FileFlatNode {
      public expandable: boolean, public filename: string, public level: number, public type: any) {}
const TREE_DATA = JSON.stringify({
   Documents: {
      angular: {
         src: {
            compiler: 'ts',
            core: 'ts'
      material2: {
         src: {
            button: 'ts',
            checkbox: 'ts',
            input: 'ts'
export class FileDatabase {
   dataChange = new BehaviorSubject<FileNode[]>([]);
   get data(): FileNode[] { return this.dataChange.value; }
   constructor() {
   initialize() {
      const dataObject = JSON.parse(TREE_DATA);   
      const data = this.buildFileTree(dataObject, 0);;
   buildFileTree(obj: {[key: string]: any}, level: number): FileNode[] {
      return Object.keys(obj).reduce<FileNode[]>((accumulator, key) => {
         const value = obj[key];
         const node = new FileNode();
         node.filename = key;
         if (value != null) {
            if (typeof value === 'object') {
               node.children = this.buildFileTree(value, level + 1);
            } else {
               node.type = value;
         return accumulator.concat(node);
      }, []);
   selector: 'app-root',
   templateUrl: 'app.component.html',
   styleUrls: ['app.component.css'],
   providers: [FileDatabase]
export class AppComponent {
   treeControl: FlatTreeControl<FileFlatNode>;
   treeFlattener: MatTreeFlattener<FileNode, FileFlatNode>;
   dataSource: MatTreeFlatDataSource<FileNode, FileFlatNode>;
   constructor(database: FileDatabase) {
      this.treeFlattener = new MatTreeFlattener(this.transformer, this._getLevel,
      this._isExpandable, this._getChildren);
      this.treeControl = new FlatTreeControl<FileFlatNode>(this._getLevel, this._isExpandable);
      this.dataSource = new MatTreeFlatDataSource(this.treeControl, this.treeFlattener);
      database.dataChange.subscribe(data => = data);
   transformer = (node: FileNode, level: number) => {
      return new FileFlatNode(!!node.children, node.filename, level, node.type);
   private _getLevel = (node: FileFlatNode) => node.level;
   private _isExpandable = (node: FileFlatNode) => node.expandable;
   private _getChildren = (node: FileNode): Observable<FileNode[]> => observableOf(node.children);
   hasChild = (_: number, _nodeData: FileFlatNode) => _nodeData.expandable;


Verify the result.



  • As first, we've created tree using mat-tree and mat-tree-node.
  • Then, we've created the data source in ts file and bind it with mat-tree.