The following table explains name and definitation of scientific instruments −
Instrument | Use |
Accelerometer | Measures acceleration |
Altimeter | Measures altitude (height) |
Ammeter | Measures electric charges |
Anemometer | Measures wind speed |
Barometer | Measures atmospheric pressure |
Bolometer | Measures electromagnetic radiation |
Calipers | Measures the distance between two opposite sides of an object |
Calorimeter | Measures the heat of chemical reactions or physical changes as well as heat capacity |
Cardiograph | Measures heart rate |
Cryometer | Measures freezing temperature |
Dynamometer | Measures the power output of an engine |
Electrometer | Measures electric charges |
Galvanometer | Measures electric current |
Hydrometer | Measures density of liquids |
Hygrometer | Measures moisture content (Humidity) in the atmosphere |
Hypsometer | Measures height (altitude) |
Lactometer | Measures milk purity |
Magnetometer | Measures magnetic property of a substance |
Nephelometer | Measures suspended particulates in a liquid or gas colloid |
Ohmmeter | Measures resistance in different applications of electrical testing |
Ondometer | Measures the frequency of electromagnetic waves |
Photometer | Measures the intensity of light |
Pyknometer | Measures density of substance |
Pyrometer | Measures high temperature |
Radar | Determines the range, angle, or velocity of objects |
Refractometer | Measures refractive index |
Sextant | Measures the angle between any two visible objects |
Sphygmomanometer | Measures blood pressure |
Stethoscope | Used to listen heart beats |
Telemeter | Measures distances to remote objects |
Thermometer | Measures temperature |
Tonometer | Measure the internal pressure of the eye |
Venturimeter | Measures the rate of a flow of a fluid flowing through a pipe |
Voltmeter | Measures electrical potential difference between two points in an electric circuit |