• General Knowledge Tutorial

GK - List of Wars(WorldWide)


The following table describes major wars of the world −

Date War Fought between
1600 BCE Battle of Mingtiao Tang of Shang defeated Jie of Xia. Shang dynasty began in China
1500 BCE Battle of the Ten Kings King Sudas defeated the Ten Kings in the Punjab region (India)
1184 BCE Battle of Troy Troy descended after the ten-year Trojan War
1046 BCE Battle of Muye Zhou Dynasty defeated the Shang Dynasty
925 BCE Battle of Bitter Lakes Shoshenq I of Egypt defeated a Bedouin incursion
707 BCE Battle of Ruge The Zheng general Zhu Dan defeated the king Huan of Zhou (China)
693 BCE Battle of Diyala River The king Sennacherib of Assyria defeated the Elamites of Southern Iran
616 BCE Battle of Arrapha The king Nabopolassar (of Babylonians) defeated the Assyrians
546 BCE Battle of Thymbra Cyrus the Great of Persia defeated Croesus of Lydia
545 BCE Battle of The 300 Champions The Spartans defeated the Argives
539-38 BCE Battle of Opis Cyrus the Great defeated Nabonidus
490 BCE Battle of Marathon Miltiades (of Athens) defeated Darius I of Persia and Artaphernes
432 BCE Battle of Potidaea Athens defeated Sparta
429 BCE Battle of Spartolos Chalcidians (with their allies) defeated Athens
411 BCE Battle of Eretria Spartans defeated the Athenian fleet
334 BCE Battle of the Granicus Alexander the Great defeated the Persian army
331 BCE Battle of Gaugamela Alexander the Great defeated Darius III in Mesopotamia and conquered Persia
326 BCE Battle of the Hydaspes Alexander the Great defeated the Indian King Porus
281 BCE Battle of Corupedium Seleucus defeated and killed Lysimachus
101 BCE Battle of Vercellae Marius (the Roman) defeated the Cimbri
67 BCE Battle of Jushi Han troops defeated the Xiongnu
66 BCE Battle of the Lycus Pompey the Great defeated Mithridates VI
58 BCE Battle of the Arar Caesar defeated the migrating Helvetii
47 BCE Battle of the Nile Caesar defeated Ptolemy XIII (the Egyptian king)
36 BCE Battle of Zhizhi Han forces defeated Xiongnu
Common Era (CE)
84 CE Battle of Mons Graupius Agricola (the Roman) defeated the Caledonians
208 CE Battle of Red Cliffs War of Three Kingdoms (of China)
312 CE Battle of Milvian Bridge Constantine defeated Maxentius and took control of Italy
547 CE Battle of Marta Tripolitanian Moors defeated John Troglita
630 CE Conquest of Mecca Muhammad conquered Mecca without any bloodshed
838 CE Battle of Anzen Abbasids (modern Turkey) defeated Theophilus
972 CE Battle of Cedynia Mieszko I (of Poland) defeated Hodon (of Germany)
1054 CE Battle of Dunsinane Malcolm defeated MacBeth
1057 CE Battle of Lumphanan Malcolm defeated MacBeth. In this battle MacBeth was killed
1179 CE Battle of Jacob's Ford Saladin defeats the Kingdom of Jerusalem
1215 CE Battle of Zhongdu Genghis Khan in cooperation with the Mongols defeated the Jin dynasty and seized Zhongdu (present day Beijing)
1361 CE Battle of Wisby Denmark defeated Sweden
1362-63 CE Battle of Blue Waters Pagan Lithuanians defeated the Islamic Tatar Forces
1370 CE Battle of Pontvallain France defeated England
1402 CE Battle of Angora / Battle of Ankara Timur defeated Ottoman sultan Bayezid I in Anatolia (Turkey)
1448 CE Battle of Kosovo Turkish and Orthodox forces defeated Roman Catholic
1533 CE Battle of Cuzco Spanish defeated the Inca Empire
1597 CE Battle of Chilchonryang Japanese Navy defeaterd Korean Navy
1597 CE Battle of Myeongnyang Korean Navy defeated Japanese Navy
1607 CE Battle of Gibraltar Dutch defeated Spanish (fleet)
1656 CE First Battle of Warsaw Poland seized its capital from Sweden
1656 CE Second Battle of Warsaw Sweden defeated Poland
1676 CE Battle of Lund Sweden defeat the Denmark
1694 CE Battle of Torroella The French Navy defeated Spain
1710 CE Battle of Prut Ottoman Turks defeated Russia
1729 CE Battle of Damghan Nader Shah defeated the Afghans
1779 CE Battle of Baton Rouge Spanish captured the city Baton Rouge
1796 CE Battle of Lodi General Napoleon Bonaparte (French Army) defeated Austria
1797 CE Battle of Rivoli Napoleon Bonaparte defeated Austria
1798 CE Battle of the Pyramids Napoleon defeated Mameluks (in Egypt)
1798 CE Battle of Ballinamuck British forces defeated Ireland and France
1799 Battle of Abukir Napoleon and Joachim Murat defeated Turks
1805 CE Battle of Austerlitz Napoléon Bonaparte defeated Russian
1813 CE Battle of Leipzig The coalition armies of Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden defeated by Napoleon I (the Emperor of the French)
1815 CE Battle of Waterloo Wellington, Prussians, Dutch, and German (collectively) forces defeated Napoleon
1904 CE Battle of Yalu River Japan defeated Russia
1914 to 1918 CE World War I Allied Powers (France, UK, Russia, Serbia, Belgium, Italy, Japan, USA, etc.) defeated Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, etc.)
1917 CE Battle of Jerusalem British forces defeated Ottoman Empire and seized Jerusalem
1939 to 1945 CE World War II Allies Powers (France, UK, Russia, China, Poland, Canada, Australia, USA, etc.) defeated Axix Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, etc.)
1947 CE Indo-Pakistani War The war ended with division of territory (Jammu & Kashmir)
1965 CE Second Indo-Pakistan War The war resulted in a stalemate
1990 CE Gulf War US and allied forces defeated Iraq
1995 CE First battle of Grozny Russian Army captured Grozny
1999 CE Kargil War Pakistani infiltrators returned to status quo ante bellum
2001 CE Battle of Kabul US forces attacked Kabul and seized it from the Taliban
2001 CE Battle of Kandahar US and allied forces seized the last remaining city from the Taliban
2001 CE Battle of Tora Bora US and allied forces besieged AlQaida, but Osama bin Laden was escaped
2003 CE Battle of Baghdad (Gulf War II) US forces captured the Iraqi capital from Saddam Hussein's forces
Jan 2011 CE First Battle of Benghazi Libyan rebel forces freed the city from Colonel Gaddafi's rule
March 2011 CE Battle of Bin Jawad Gaddafi forces recaptured the city
August 2011 CE Battle of Tripoli Tripoli is seized by rebel forces and Gaddafi government collapsed