• General Knowledge Tutorial

GK - Parts of Indian Constitution


The following table enlists the Parts and Articles of the Indian Constitutions −

Part Contains Articles
Part I Union and its Territory 1 to 4
Part II Citizenship 5 to 11
Part III Fundamental Rights 12 to 35
Part IV Directive Principles of State Policy 36 to 51
Part IVA Fundamental Duties 51A
Part V The Union 52 to 151
Part VI The States 152 to 237
Part VII States in the B part of the First schedule (repealed by 7th Amendment)
Part VIII The Union Territories 239 to 242
Part IX The Panchayats 243 to 243O
Part IXA The Municipalities 243P to 243ZG
Part IXB The Co-operative Societies 243ZH to 243ZT
Part X The scheduled and Tribal Areas 244 to 244A
Part XI Relations between the Union and the States 245 to 263
Part XII Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits 264 to 300A
Part XIII Trade and Commerce within the territory of India 301 to 307
Part XIV Services Under the Union, the States 308 to 323
Part XIVA Tribunals 323A to 323B
Part XV Elections 324 to 329A
Part XVI Special Provisions Relating to certain Classes 330 to 342
Part XVII Languages 343 to 351
Part XVIII Emergency Provisions 352 to 360
Part XIX Miscellaneous 361 to 367
Part XX Amendment of the Constitution 368
Part XXI Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions 369 to 392
Part XXII Short title, date of commencement, etc. 393 to 395