To maintain a master data in SAP system, there are different Infotypes defined in SAP system for Personnel Administration and payroll.
Infotype | Infotype Name | Description |
(0003) | Payroll Status | It stores the payroll and time status data. This is automatically created when an employee is hired. |
(0008) | Basic Pay | This is used to store and employee’s basic pay. When an employee leaves an organization, Basic pay Infotype should not be delimited and remain in the system for retroactive accounting. |
(0014) | Recurring Payment and Deductions | These are not processed with every payroll and paid or deducted for an employee at a specific time period. |
(0015) | Additional Payment | These are not processed with every payroll and paid or deducted for an employee at a specific time period. |
(0011) | External Bank Transfer | This stores the payment information for an employee made to third party vendors. |
(0267) | Additional Off-Cycle payment | This is used to make additional off-cycle payment for one of the few employees. This is not available for all the countries and can be created using Off-Cycle Workbench. |
(0045) | Loan Infotype | This is used to store HR master data for loans. This is used to calculate: Loan repayment, Loan interest, imputed income taxation. |
(0165) | Limit on payment/deduction | This is used to store information about limit on payments/deductions. You can define certain maximum values for payments/deductions for individual employees and wage types. |
(0037) | Insurance | This is used to insurance information for employees. The standard system different insurance types −
Company insurance Group accident insurance Life insurance Supplementary insurance Not liable Risk Risk/pension Nursing care Sick pay |
(0057) | Membership fee | This Infotype is used to store any membership information for an employee. An employee can enroll in different kind of membership −
Sports club Medical Union, etc. |
(0025) | Appraisals | This is used to store employee performance related information. You can use an existing or add new performance criteria for employee performance appraisal. |
(2010) | Employee remuneration info | This is used to store information about wage types calculated manually. Example: wage type for hazardous working condition bonus or other non-standard wage types. |
(0128) | Notifications | This Infotype is used to print any additional information that should be displayed on employee’s remuneration statement. |
Payroll system consists of Date Specifications and monitoring of tasks Infotypes. Using monitoring of task, you can set automatic monitoring of tasks for HR activities and system suggest a date when you want to be reminded of the stored tasks.
This is stored in Infotype 0041 and date type defines the type of information. You can create series of reports on specific date type. You can use this Infotype to run Payroll and also to maintain leave.
In a standard payroll system, it contains 12 combinations of date type and date and to add more date specification for an employee at the same time, you can use time constraint 3.
You can also create an automatic monitoring of all HR related tasks that includes follow up activities to be performed and it is maintained in Infotype 0019. System suggests a date according to task type on which you will be reminded and this allows you to perform follow up activities as per the required schedule.
The reminder date in the system is used to determine when you want to be reminded for a task type. Reminder date can be defined based on this criteria −
When you select a task type, if the operator indicator has a blank or negative (-) value then reminder should be set before the task data.
If the Operator indicator has a positive (+) value, reminder date shouldn’t be before the task date.
Note − Payroll system also suggests a reminder date for each task independent of task type and you can change this at any point of time.
Following are a few task types that can be added under monitoring −
This contains Infotype related to employee’s previous/other work experience, education and training and qualification.
This is used to store other employer contract of an employee. You can store the information where an employee works or has worked before working for your company. To enter multiple employer details, you can add multiple data records and validity period for each employee.
Enter the employer’s name and the country for each employer. The following information can be stored in this Infotype −
This is used to store employee/application qualification details in this Infotype. Incase to store information on more than one qualification for an employee, you can also create multiple data records in this.
Each qualification type is identified by a key and you can also add proficiency level for each qualification. Proficiency level defines the knowledge and skill of an employee on a qualification.
Proficiency level can be defined in the following order −
Proficiency 0 means non-valuated
Proficiency 1 means very poor
Proficiency 5 means Average
Proficiency 9 means excellent
This is used to store education details of an employee/applicant. To store the details about the complete education and training history of an employee/applicant, you have to create as many data records as necessary for the respective subtypes of this Infotype. You can enter the respective dates of the training period as the validity period.
The following subtypes can be created for each education establishment type −
Institute/Place − This contains institute details like University, college name, etc.
Country Key − It is used to contain the country in which the education/training institution is based.
Certificate − This is used to maintain possible leaving certificates in relation to the educational establishment type specified.
Duration of Course − This is used to specify the length of each course of study.
Final Marks
Branch of Study − This includes the specialization of education like ECE, Computers, Mechanical, etc.
This is used to an employee’s communication id for a certain type of communication. You can define various subtypes under this Infotype to maintain communication details of an employee. The following subtypes can be defined −
This subtype is used to store the employee’s credit card number for clearing, so the items booked on a credit card should be assigned to a personnel number in the system. This is more helpful incase an employee contains multiple credit cards or credit cards from different credit card companies.
You can also maintain different card numbers for different companies – first two positions of the ID/number field have been defined with an ID code that corresponds to the individual credit card companies.
AX | American Express |
DI | Diners Club |
EC | Euro Card |
TP | Lufthansa AirPlus |
VI | Visa |
This contains Infotype for test procedure and contains the test procedure for your employee. Test procedure includes test procedure key and release date.
You can store the following information in Infotype 0130. All this information is defined by a system and cannot be entered −
When a test procedure is performed for an employee up to a certain release date, then write authorization may no longer be performed which involves changing certain Infotype data with validity start date is before the release date.
Personal Data − This is used to maintain personal information for an employee in different Infotypes.
This is used to store the address information of an employee. Various subtypes can be maintained under the Address Infotype.
This is used to maintain the bank account details to process the net pay of travel expenses from payroll from the HR module.
This Infotype is used to maintain legal obligations for severely challenged persons. Different subtypes can be defined under this Infotype −
This Infotype is used to store the information for identifying an employee.
For example −
This Infotype is used to maintain an employee’s family member and relative details. The following relationship types can be maintained in the standard system −
This Infotype is used to store the data related to employee’s medical examination. Various subtypes can be defined under this −
Using Action Infotype you can combine several Infotypes into one group. You can use Personnel action for the following purpose −
This section contains the following Infotypes −
This contains the general instructions that an employee is supposed to perform – data protection, accident prevention, other instructions, etc.
This Infotype is used to maintain an employee’s corporate function like work council member, etc.
This Infotype is used to maintain data on company car, employee identification and work center.
This is used to compare three personnel numbers while processing the payroll. When an employee loses his bonus, night work allowance cos of his involvement in work council, this is used to process his bonus by comparing with similar personnel for this purpose. This Infotype is maintained only for those employees which are involved in work council function.
This Infotype is used to maintain details of all the assets that have been provided to employee as loan. You can define the following subtypes under this −
This Infotype is used to store the data related to employee’s employment contract. While creating a record for Contract Elements Infotype (0016), system suggests default values for the following fields −
These default values are determined by the company code, personnel area and employee group/subgroup in Organizational Assignment Infotype (0001).
This Infotype is used to store any special authority/privilege that has been assigned to an employee − Power of Attorney.
Different subtypes can be defined under this −