VersionOne - Team Rooms


TeamRooms is the place where a user can track and view the progress at the project level as well as sprint level. In TeamRoom, day to day progress can be tracked at the individual level.

To access the team Rooms, go to Team Planner → TeamRooms as shown in the screenshot below −

Access Team Rooms
  • It opens the TeamRooms created for different project/release. A user can click any of these to see the corresponding details.

Add a Team Room

Usually, a scrum master adds the TeamRoom. Let us now see the steps to add a TeamRoom.

  • Navigate to Team Planner → Team Rooms. It displays the Team Rooms page with all the available rooms.

  • To add a Team Room, click on the Add TeamRoom button present at the top right.

Sample Call Center TeamRoom
  • It opens the Add TeamRoom window, where a user can enter title, select Team Flow and schedule.

  • Now, click on the Save button present at the bottom of the page.

  • Note − Users having Team Lead or above roles can only add a TeamRoom.

The following screenshot displays how to add a TeamRoom −

Add TeamRoom

TeamRoom Panels

TeamRoom consists of many important details. In this section, we will discuss the details displaying into TeamRoom.

  • To view the TeamRoom detail, go to Team Planner → Team Rooms and click one of the available rooms.

  • By Default, Backlog is selected. Otherwise, click on backlog to display the backlog items in the left side.

  • Click on the additional panel tab to display the items as explained below −

Sr.No Panel & Description


  • Displays unscheduled backlog. These items might fall into sprints by grouping backlog items into sprint based on their estimates and the current average velocity.

  • Items display in rank order, with the highest ranking at the top.

  • The item's estimate is also display if an estimate value exists.

  • Drag and drop the backlog items between columns to update the status.



  • Shows all the stories (displayed as story cards) in a sprint/iteration in the selected sprint.



  • Displays tasks grouped by story, defect and by task status in the selected sprint.



  • Displays acceptance tests grouped by backlog item, defect and by test status in the selected sprint.


List View

  • This panel shows a list of work items in the selected sprint.



  • Allows reviewing the closed work.

  • Items are grouped by their sprint and sorted by sprint start date.

  • Item estimates display when assigned to the item and estimate totals display on the sprint.



  • Shows all conversations started in the room as well as conversations that mention work items in the room.


Activity Stream

  • Shows all the activity that has occurred on the assets in the TeamRoom.

  • Items display in reverse-chronological order and only display once in the list based on the most recent change.



  • Allows the creation of an Estimably estimation game.

  • After starting a game, drag items from the Backlog panel into this panel to estimate them. Note that when user submits the results of a game, the estimate for that item is also updated.



  • Instant access to a barometer of key project performance indicators at the project, program, portfolio item, and team level.



  • View Communities Topics directly within the TeamRoom.

The following screenshot displays the TeamRooms overview −

Call Center TeamRoom