VersionOne - Login


In this chapter, we will learn the steps involved to log into VersionOne.

Follow these steps to log into VersionOne.

Step 1 − To login into VersionOne, go to your sample website, provided into email while creating the free trial. It will open a login page.

Step 2 − Enter your registered email address as Username and Password (selected while creating the account).

Step 3 − Click on the Login button.

Following screenshot shows how to login into VersionOne using credentials −


On Error

While logging in, a user can face errors due to wrong combination of username/password. A user can utilize different available features to reset password and login again. Here, we will see what errors a user can face and how to find resolution to such instances −

  • Due to unsuccessful login, a page as shown in the screenshot below might appear.

  • Error may occur due to wrong combination of email id or password.

Following screenshot shows the error message a user receives if the credentials are not correct −


If you forgot the password, to recover it −

  • Click on “Forget Password” beside the Login button.

  • Enter the Login Email.

  • Click on the Reset Password button. It asks to enter registered email to send the password reset link.

The following screenshot shows how to recover the password if you forgot −

Forget Password

Reset Password

A user will get an email with details to reset the password.

Reset Link

On Successful Login

In this section, we will discuss how VersionOne works on successful login.

On successful login, the My Subscription page gets displayed. The following screenshot displays the welcome page of VersionOne on successful login

Successful Login