VersionOne - Free Trial Access


VersionOne provides free trial for 30 days to registered users. The free trial version of VersionOne comes with basic features. TestRail has other plans as well with different advanced features and add-ins. The cost depends on the products that come along.

VersionOne has the following different products −

  • Team
  • Ultimate
  • Catalyst
  • Enterprise

VersionOne Team is free for Single Team with basic features for other products VersionOne provides 30days trial period.

By visiting a user can see the different available plans for trying purpose.

Free Trial

Setup for Free Trials

To use the free trial version, one time basic setup is required. It includes registering into VersionOne by providing basic details and getting personal URL at email to access the VersionOne.

In the following steps, we will learn how to set up the VersionOne while accessing it for the first time −

Free Setup

It opens a basic form to create a VersionOne account.

  • Enter the details at following fields as shown in the following screenshots −

    • Name, Organization, Designation, Number and Country. These are basic details of user and useful to set up profile after accessing the VersionOne. These details help to maintain unique user concept. A user cannot enter duplicate records to register.

    • Email − Please note, it accepts gmail, yahoo, outlook. It can be business email as well.

Start your free trail

After entering all the details, check the checkbox for Term & Services and click on “Start Your Free TRIAL”.

Create Password

It will display the next page where a user should create password and provide Project/Sprint name. Now, click on Set Up.

Sprint Name

Upon clicking Set Up, VersionOne creates the personal URL and account to access free trial and send the email, provided into the form at the 1st page.

Send Email

An Email will look like as in the following screenshot −

Email Screenshot
  • By visiting the given URL, a user will get login page for VersionOne.
