VersionOne - Task


In this chapter, we will discuss what a task in VersionOne is. Tasks are related to the estimation in hours to achieve a backlog item. A backlog item can have any number of tasks to complete the item. It is a user’s responsibility to add all the tasks that need to be performed to complete the backlog item. All tasks should be added on day 1 of the sprint. However, tasks can be added and edited throughout the sprint if required.

Add Task

Task represents the work that is required to complete the backlog item. A user can add a task into backlog items such as story, defect, and test sets, etc.

Follow these steps to add a task into backlog item −

  • Go to the backlog items by clicking on title, summary or unique id from anywhere in VersionOne.

  • It opens the backlog details page.

  • Now, click on Edit → Add Task at the right side.


  • Click on Show Relationship down the page. Go to the Task section, click on Add Inline or Add Task as shown in the screenshot below −

Add Task
  • When a user selects Add Inline, it adds a row into task where a user enters Title, Owner, Status, Detail Estimated Hrs. and To Do Hrs.

  • After entering the details, click on the Save button as shown below −

QA Execution
  • When a user selects Add Task, it opens a new window to add a task and ask to enter details. It has some additional details like Build, Description, Tag, Type, Source and References.

  • After entering the details, click on Save as shown in the screenshot below −


Burn Hours

Burn hours mean tracking the efforts put in for a task. For example, if a task has detailed estimated hours as 8hr and a user has spent 2 hours on a particular day for the same task, it is required to change the remaining hours for the task as 6hrs (8-2=6). With this, the hours automatically get updated to 2 hours.

Follow these steps to burn the hours −

  • Go to the task where a user has spent the time and click on the Edit link present against each row.

Sample Code Review
  • It opens the Task Details page in the edit mode. A user can edit the details of the task using this option.

  • Scroll down the page and find the To Do Hours field.

  • Replace the To Do hours with the remaining hours. (Detail Estimated Hrs – Time Spent in this task).

  • After that click on the Save button as shown in the screenshot below −

Task to do Hrs

Close/Quick Close a Task

Once all effort of a task is completed, it can be closed to claim the work done in the sprint as well as backlog item. A closed task can be re-opened later if require. In this section, we will discuss how to close a task.

Follow these steps to close a task −

  • Go to the Task and click on the Edit dropdown → Close Task or Quick Close Task option as shown below −

Close Task Button
  • When a user selects Close Task, it opens a new window where a user enters the remaining To Do Hours usually as 0.00 and selects the status as Completed.

  • Now, click on the Close Task button as shown in the screenshot below −

Close Task
  • If a user selects the Quick Close option, it automatically changes the status as Completed and closes the task.

  • After getting closed, the task title and the id are struck out. The Edit button is replaced by the Reopen Task button as shown below −

Reopen Task