TestLink - Test Specification


Test Specification defines the structure of Test Design. Creation of Test Suits and Cases are done through test specification. However, one project can have only one test specification.

Test Specification can be accessed by navigating to Test Specification → Test Specification from the dashboard.

It is divided into two panels − Settings and Filter (Left side) and Test Project (right side).

You can create test suite/cases by working on the right side.


After navigating to test specification, Filters are displayed on the left side panel of the screen. Filters help out to narrow down the search and provide unique test cases.

Following are the steps to use the Filter functionality −

Step 1 − Go to the filter section on the left side of the screen.

Step1 Filters

Step 2 − Provide different filter options as the following −

  • Test Case ID

  • Test Case Title

  • Status − You can select multiple choices at a time from the dropdown. It supports Any, Draft, Ready for Review, Review in Progress, Rework, Obsolete, Future and Final.

  • Importance − You can select multiple choices at a time from the dropdown. It supports Any, Help, Medium and Low.

  • Execution Type − It is a single selection dropdown. It supports Any, Manual or Automated option.

Step 3 − After selection, click the Apply button to display the result. Reset Filters button will remove all selection in default mode.

You can expand the tree to display the structure of the result.

Test Project

On the right side, Test Project is displayed.

Test Project

Test Project name is hyperlinked.

When you click the name, it displays the details of the project in edit form, where you can update the project details.

After the name, it displays Project Description and Attached files. It supports a feature to add an attachment. You can browse and upload the file to the project. It supports max 1048576 Bytes. You can upload up to a maximum size of the file. You can upload multiple files to the project.

At the top of the screen, there is a settings symbol Symbol, called Actions

You can add test suites and test cases by clicking this symbol.
