TestLink - Test Plan Relation


Test Plan contains a set of test cases those are in scope. Before starting the execution, a test plan must have test sets. A test case cannot be executed before assigning it to any test plan.

Add Test Cases to Plan

Following are the steps to add test cases to a test plan.

Step 1 − Go to Test Plan contents → Add/Remove test cases from the Dashboard as shown below.

Step1 Add Test Cases to Plan

It opens the Add/Remove Test Cases page.

Step 2 − Search the folder using filter on the left panel and click the test case folder.

It displays Test Plan − Add Test cases to Test Plan page on the right panel.

Step2 Add Test Cases to Plan

Step 3 − Check all the available test cases to add to the test plan.

Step 4 − Select from Assign dropdown to assign this to a person.

Step 5 − Select a build as well.

Step 6 − Click the Add Selected button to add the test case to a test plan.

After clicking Add selected, the color of the test case gets changed.

Step 7 − The Add selected button changes to Add/Remove selected as shown in the following screenshot.

Step7 Add Test Cases to Plan

Remove a Test Case from a Plan

To remove test cases from a test plan the following steps should be performed −

Step 1 − Go to Test Plan contents → Add/ Remove test cases from the Dashboard as shown below.

Step1 Remove Test Case from Plan

It opens the Add/Remove Test Cases page.

Step 2 − Search the folder using a filter on the left panel and click the test case folder.

It displays Test Plan − Add Test cases to Test Plan page on the right panel.

Step 3 − Select the test cases that need to be removed.

Step 4 − Click the Add/Remove selected button as shown below.

Step4 Remove Test Case from Plan