TestLink - Create Requirement


Requirements are high-level descriptions about particular system services, constraints, or a detailed specification generated during the requirements gathering process.

TestLink supports Requirement Specification where you can create a Requirement and take various actions such as Edit, Delete, or Freeze the version, etc.

Create a Requirement

To create a requirement, you should have the Create Requirement permission.

Following are the steps to create a requirement −

Step 1 − Go to Requirement Specification → Requirement Specification from the dashboard as shown below.

Step1 Create a Requirement

Step 2 − On the left side, Search the folder structure where you want to add a requirement.

Step 3 − Click the Create button present on the right side panel as shown below.

Step3 Create a Requirement

It opens the create requirement page where you can specify the Document ID, Title, Scope and the type of requirement.

Step 4 − Click the Save button to add the requirement in the list as shown below.

Step4 Create a Requirement

It adds the parent folder as Requirement Specification.

Step 5 − Click the parent folder and then click the Settings icon known as Actions displayed on the right side panel as shown in the following screenshot.

Step5 Create a Requirement

It shows Requirement Operations page.

Step 6 − Click the Create button as displayed in the following screenshot.

Step6 Create a Requirement

It displays the Create Requirement form.

Step 7 − Enter the following fields before clicking the Save button.

  • Document ID − Unique ID to identify.

  • Title − A unique title and must be within 100 characters.

  • Scope − It is text into HTML format.

  • Status − It can have value as Valid, Draft, Review, Rework, Finish, implemented, Not testable and Obsolete.

  • Type − It could have a value as Informational, Feature, Use Case, User Interface, Non-Functional, Constraint or System Function.

  • Number of test cases needed − An estimated test case needs to cover the requirement.

Step7 Create a Requirement

After clicking Save, the requirement gets added and is displayed with additional fields.

Step 8 − Add Coverage by clicking the + icon.

Step 9 − Add the relation of the current requirement with any existing requirement as parent, child, related to, blocks or depends on.

In addition, you can attach a file as well for more details about requirement as shown in the following screenshot.

Step9 Create a Requirement