TestLink - Requirement Overview


Requirement Overview is one of the useful features of TestLink. You can see all the listed requirements at one place along with all the available versions in case there is more than one.

Go to Requirement Specification → Requirement Overview from the dashboard as shown below.

Requirement Overview

It displays the Requirement Overview page with the list of requirements.

This Overview shows all the requirements (last or all versions) and all the related attributes. In addition, all the defined custom fields for requirements is displayed in a separate column.

The show all versions will be displayed if you check the checkbox at top “Show all versions of each requirement”.

Coverage − A value of e.g. "20% (4/20)" means that 20 Test Cases have to be created for this Requirement to test it completely. 4 of those have already been created and linked to this Requirement, which makes the coverage of 20 percent.

Following screenshot displays the Requirement Overview page.

Requirement Overview Page

By clicking the pencil icon, you can edit the requirement details as shown in the above screenshot. It opens a new window along with the requirement detail in edit mode.
