TestLink - Features


TestLink has a wide range of features to attract QAs and other stakeholders for test management.

TestLink Core Features

Following table lists the core features of TestLink.

Sr.No. Core Features & Description

Testing Supports

TestLink supports the following test methodologies −

  • Agile testing
  • Black box testing
  • Exploratory testing
  • Functional/Manual and Automation testing
  • Traditional testing

Centralize & organize

  • TestLink tool creates, centralizes, organizes and manages test cases very effectively and efficiently.

  • Easily import test cases from CSV/XML and other management tool.

  • It can create multiple versions of test cases for comparison and uses.

  • It can share test case repository across different projects, releases and sprints.


Manage & Track Execution

  • It supports run and re-run of test execution suites. It kicks off automation suite as well using XML-RPC.

  • It captures step-by-step test execution history with detailed explanation.

  • It supports test run specific configuration and parameters.



  • Email can be sent for a particular task to users.

  • Use @mention to get the attention of a specific team member at Comments/Description.


Power Search

  • TestLink supports powerful search functionality with Hotkeys features.

  • TestLink supports free text search.

  • TestLink supports syntax search.



  • TestLink supports multiple reports.

  • It supports test case and test execution reports.

  • Requirement and traceability reports.

  • Defect reports.

  • It supports cross-project report as well.


Scale with Team Growth

TestLink supports any business team and any project, irrespective of the size and complexity.



  • TestLink supports numerous add-ins to connect with different softwares to make work easy.

  • Wide range of add-ins make it universal across the globe – JIRA, Mantis, Bugzilla, Trac, etc.

  • It also supports Rally and VersionOne integration.


Common Features

  • It supports Drag and Drop interface.

  • It supports Test Grid Analysis.

  • It can clone the entire test case repository along the project setting, such as email notification and more.



  • It supports customization of UI using Smarty templates.

  • It supports to create and assign the user’s keyword.
