Statistics - Scatterplots


A scatterplot is a graphical way to display the relationship between two quantitative sample variables. It consists of an X axis, a Y axis and a series of dots where each dot represents one observation from a data set. The position of the dot refers to its X and Y values.


Patterns of Data in Scatterplots

Scatterplots are used to analyze patterns which generally varies on the basis of linearity, slope, and strength.

  • Linearity - data pattern is either linear/straight or nonlinear/curved.

    Linearity in scatterplots
  • Slope - direction of change in variable Y with respect to increase in value of variable X. If Y increases with increase in X, slope is positive otherwise slope is negative.

    Slope in scatterplots
  • Strength - Degree of spreadness of scatter in the plot. If dots are widely dispersed, the relationship is consider weak. If dot are densed around a line then the relationship is said to be strong.

    Strength in scatterplots