Process sigma can be defined using following four steps:
Measure opportunities,
Measure defects,
Calculate yield,
Look-up process sigma.
${DPMO = \frac{Total\ defect}{Total\ Opportunities} \times 1000000}$
${Defect (\%) = \frac{Total\ defect}{Total\ Opportunities} \times 100}$
${Yield (\%) = 100 - Defect (\%) }$
${Process Sigma = 0.8406+\sqrt{29.37}-2.221 \times (log (DPMO)) }$
Where −
${Opportunities}$ = Lowest defect noticeable by customer.
${DPMO}$ = Defects per Million Opportunities.
Problem Statement:
In equipment organization hard plate produced is 10000 and the defects is 5. Discover the process sigma.
Given: Opportunities = 10000 and Defects = 5. Substitute the given qualities in the recipe,