SAP C4C - Social


You can use SAP C4C for Social Engagement to deliver a great customer experience by listening to and engaging with your customer using social media.

You can also coordinate within your team and across the organization to resolve issues that are opened by customer efficiently and effectively.

You can perform the following configuration activities related to SAP C4C for Social Engagement −

  • Setting up channels.
  • Setting up import runs.

Setting up Channels

Following are the steps to set up a channel −

Step 1

Go to Administration → Service and Social.

Administration Service and Social

Step 2

Navigate to Social Media → Social Media Channels.

Social Media

Step 3

To create a new social media channel, click New.

Service and Social

You have multiple options to integrate the channel with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, You Tube and SAP social media analytics.

SAP social media analytics

Step 4

You have two options to connect with Facebook −

  • Option 1 − If you know the App ID and APP Secret of Facebook page, you can maintain it manually.

  • Option 2 − Click Connect with Channel. It will directly redirect you to the Facebook page; you need to enter your face book login credentials.

Connect with Channel

Step 5

Enter your Facebook credentials.

Facebook credentials

In a similar way, you can create import runs under Social MediaSocial Media Message Import runs.

Social Media Message Import runs