SAP C4C - Architecture


SAP C4C provides prepacked integration for SAP ECC, CRM and Outlook. It consists of HTML5 UI, Silverlight UI, and mobile Apps for IOS, Android platform and HANA for HANA Cloud integration HCI.

SAP C4C has multitenant architecture where solution and components is shared between multiple customers. There is an option to go for single tenant by paying additional cost. In a multiple tenant environment, all the updates and releases are built on C4C custom solutions for multiple clients.

SAP C4C Architecture

SAP C4C solution can be easily integrated with SAP ERP and CRM on premise solution. There are two ways of integration −

  • SAP Process Integration PI/PO − This integration is recommended when you are already using process integration for on premise systems.

  • SAP HANA Cloud Integration HCI − This integration is recommended when you have to perform cloud-to-cloud integration.

The C4C integration to CRM on-premise could be on the basis of −

  • Level of customization required
  • Whether the functionality is required to be on the cloud/on the field
  • The master data governance rules within the company
  • Sales organization structure, etc.


The frontline sales team will generate opportunities on the move with minimal information. The Top 5 - Customer, Product, Opportunity Phase, Value, Volume and the sales assistants in the back-office will enhance the opportunities with more data that are replicated to the on-premise solution.

The C4C integration to ERP could be on the basis of types of transactions needed to be displayed to the front end sales like orders, quotations or contracts. It is based on the role of the sales person whether they need pricing information, availability checks or even customer credit information. The principle here could be that of only deploying a "Must Have" integration with the ERP transactions.
