SAP APO - Data Mart, Infocubes & Dp


In SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization, each data mart contains InfoCubes which stores actual data and older planning data. In data warehouse such as SAP BW, data mart contains a subset of data from data warehouse.

An administrative workbench is used to set up the data mart and to load the data in InfoCubes from a source system. APO Workbench can also be used to load the data into BW system from APO.

Creating InfoCubes for Demand Planning

You can create InfoCubes manually for use in the demand planning process. Go to Data Warehouse workbench → Navigate to Data Targets. You have to select the InfoArea previously created and select Create InfoCube

Create InfoCube

Info Provider

Next, enter the name of InfoCube as well as the description and type of InfoCube to be created.

NOte − While creating an InfoCube, you have to select a BW system and you can’t create an APO InfoCube.

Edit Infocube

Next, select characteristics you want to include in your InfoCube from the template and copy them to the InfoCube using Transfer fields button. Go to Dimension to define one dimension and use ‘assign’ to assign the characteristics to the dimensions.

Data Package

You can also add key figures to include to InfoCube by clicking the Key Figures folder. Click the Activate button at the top of the screen.

Demand Planning Infocube