C++ Library - <string>



String is a class and all objects that in string represent sequences of characters.


Following is the declaration for std::string.

typedef basic_string<char> string;


typedef basic_string<char> string;

Member types

member type definition
value_type char
traits_type char_traits<char>
allocator_type allocator<char>
reference char&
const_reference const char&
pointer char*
const_pointer const char*
iterator a random access iterator to char (convertible to const_iterator)
const_iterator a random access iterator to const char
reverse_iterator reverse_iterator<iterator>
const_reverse_iterator reverse_iterator<const_iterator>
difference_type ptrdiff_t
size_type size_t

Member functions

Sr.No. Member function & description
1 (constructor)

It constructs string object.

2 (destructor)

It is a string destructor.

3 operator=

It is a string assignment.


Sr.No. Iterator & description
1 begin

It returns iterator to beginning.

2 end

It returns iterator to end.

3 rbegin

It returns reverse iterator to reverse beginning.

4 rend

It returns reverse iterator to reverse end.

5 cbegin

It returns const_iterator to beginning.

6 cend

It returns a const_iterator pointing to the past-the-end character of the string.

7 crbegin

It returns const_reverse_iterator to reverse beginning.

8 crend

It returns const_reverse_iterator to reverse end.


Sr.No. Capacity & description
1 size

It returns length of string.

2 length

It returns length of string.

3 max_size

It returns maximum size of string.

4 resize

It resizes string.

5 capacity

It returns size of allocated storage.

6 reserve

It requests a change in capacity.

7 clear

It clears the string.

8 empty

It is used to test if string is empty.

9 shrink_to_fit

It is used to shrink to fit.


Sr.No. Element acce & description
1 operator[]

It is used to get character of string.

2 at

It is used to get character in string.

3 back

It is used to access last character.

4 front

It is used to access first character.


Sr.No. Modifier & description
1 operator+=

It appends to string.

2 append

It appends to string.

3 push_back

It appends a character to string.

4 assign

It is used to assign the content to string.

5 insert

It is used to inset the value to string.

6 erase

It is used to erase characters from string.

7 replace

It is used to replace portion of string.

8 swap

It is used to swap string values.

9 pop_back

It is used to delete last character.

String operations

Sr.No. String operation & description
1 c_str

It is used to get C string equivalent.

2 data

It is used to get string data.

3 get_allocator

It is used to get an allocator.

4 copy

It is used to copy sequence of characters from string.

5 find

It is used to find content in string.

6 rfind

It is used to find last occurrence of content in string.

7 find_first_of

It is used to find character in string.

8 find_last_of

It is used to find character in string from the end.

9 find_first_not_of

It is used to find absence of character in string.

10 find_last_not_of

It is used to find non-matching character in string from the end.

11 substr

It is used to generate substring.

12 compare

It is used to compare strings.
