C++ Library - <ostream>



It is an output stream objects can write sequences of characters and represent other kinds of data. Specific members are provided to perform these output operations.


Below is definition of std::ostream.

typedef basic_ostream<char> ostream;


  • charT − Character type.

  • traits − Character traits class that defines essential properties of the characters used by stream objects.

Member types

Sr.No. Member types Definition
1 event Type to indicate event type
2 event_callback Event callback function type
3 failure Base class for stream exceptions
4 fmtflags Type for stream format flags
5 Init Initialize standard stream objects
6 iostate Type for stream state flags
7 openmode Type for stream opening mode flags
8 seekdir Type for stream seeking direction flag
9 basic_istream::sentry It is used to prepare stream for input
10 seekdirbasic_ostream::sentry It is used to prepare stream for output

Public Member Functions

Sr.No. Member types Definition
1 (constructor) Construct object (public member function )
2 (destructor) Destruct object (public member function )

Public member functions

Sr.No. Member Functions Definition
1 gcount It is used to get character count
2 get It is used to get characters
3 getline It is used to get line
4 ignore It is used to extract and discard characters
5 peek It is used to peek next character
6 read It is used to read block of data
7 readsome It is used to Read data available in buffer
8 putback It is used to put character back
9 unget It is used to unget character

Formatted output

Sr.No. Output Definition
1 operator>> It is used to extract formatted input

Unformatted output

Sr.No. Output Definition
1 put It is used to put character
2 write It is used to write block of data


Sr.No. Position Definition
1 tellp It is used to get position in output sequence
2 seekp It is used to set position in output sequence


Sr.No. Synchronization Definition
1 flush It is used to flush output stream buffer

Protected member functions

Sr.No. Member Functions Definition
1 operator= It is used to move assignment
2 swap It is used to swap internals

Public member functions inherited from basic_ios

Sr.No. Member types Definition
1 good It is used to check whether state of stream is good
2 eof It is used to check whether eofbit is set
3 fail It is used to check whether either failbit or badbit is set
4 bad It is used to check whether badbit is set
5 operator! Evaluate stream
6 rdstate It is used to get error state flags
7 setstate It is used to set error state flag
8 clear It is used to set error state flag
9 fill Get/set fill character
10 exceptions It is used to get/set exceptions mask
11 imbue Imbue locale
12 tie It is used to get/set tied stream
13 rdbuf It is used to get/set stream buffer
14 narrow Narrow character
15 widen Widen character