It is a header describes functions used to manage dynamic storage in C++.The header also defines some specific types and the set_new_handler / get_new_handler pair of functions as shown below −
Sr.No. | Function & description |
1 | operator new
It allocates storage space. |
2 | operator new[]
It allocates storage space for array. |
3 | operator delete
It deallocates storage space. |
4 | operator delete[]
It deallocates storage space of array. |
5 | get_new_handler
It is used to get new handler function. |
Sr.No. | Type & description |
1 | nothrow_t
It is a nathrow type. |
2 | new_handler
It is a type of new handler function. |
3 | bad_alloc
It is an exception and throws on failure allocating memory. |
4 | bad_array_new_length
It is a bad array length exception. |
Sr.No. | Constant & description |
1 | nothrow
It is a nathrow constants. |