Solidity - Style Guide


Style Guide helps to maintain code layout consistent and make code more readable. Following are the best practices following while writing contracts with Solidity.

Code Layout

  • Indentation − Use 4 spaces instead of tab to maintain indentation level. Avoid mixing spaces with tabs.

  • Two Blank Lines Rule − Use 2 Blank lines between two contract definitions.

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract LedgerBalance {
contract Updater {
  • One Blank Line Rule − Use 1 Blank line between two functions. In case of only declaration, no need to have blank lines.

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract A {
   function balance() public pure;
   function account() public pure;
contract B is A {
   function balance() public pure {
      // ...
   function account() public pure {
      // ...
  • Maximum Line Length − A single line should not cross 79 characters so that readers can easily parse the code.

  • Wrapping rules − First argument be in new line without opening parenthesis. Use single indent per argument. Terminating element ); should be the last one.

variable = function_with_a_long_name(
event multipleArguments(
   address sender,
   address recipient,
   uint256 publicKey,
   uint256 amount,
   bytes32[] options
  • Source Code Encoding − UTF-8 or ASCII encoding is to be used preferably.

  • Imports − Import statements should be placed at the top of the file just after pragma declaration.

  • Order of Functions − Functions should be grouped as per their visibility.

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract A {
   constructor() public {
      // ...
   function() external {
      // ...

   // External functions
   // ...

   // External view functions
   // ...

   // External pure functions 
   // ...

   // Public functions
   // ...

   // Internal functions
   // ...

   // Private functions
   // ...
  • Avoid extra whitespaces − Avoid whitespaces immediately inside parenthesis, brackets or braces.

  • Control structures − Braces should open on same line as declaration. Close on their own line maintaining the same indentation. Use a space with opening brace.

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract Coin {
   struct Bank {
      address owner;
      uint balance;
if (x < 3) {
   x += 1;
} else if (x > 7) {
   x -= 1;
} else {
   x = 5;
if (x < 3)
   x += 1;
   x -= 1;
  • Function Declaration − Use the above rule for braces. Always add a visibility label. Visibility label should come first before any custom modifier.

function kill() public onlyowner {
  • Mappings − Avoid whitespaces while declaring mapping variables.

mapping(uint => uint) map;
mapping(address => bool) registeredAddresses;
mapping(uint => mapping(bool => Data[])) public data;
mapping(uint => mapping(uint => s)) data;
  • Variable declaration − Avoid whitespaces while declaring array variables.

uint[] x;  // not unit [] x;
  • String declaration − Use double quotes to declare a string instead of single quote.

str = "foo";
str = "Hamlet says, 'To be or not to be...'";

Order of Layout

Elements should be layout in following order.

  • Pragma statements

  • Import statements

  • Interfaces

  • Libraries

  • Contracts

Within Interfaces, libraries or contracts the order should be as −

  • Type declarations

  • State variables

  • Events

  • Functions

Naming conventions

  • Contract and Library should be named using CapWords Style. For example, SmartContract, Owner etc.

  • Contract and Library name should match their file names.

  • In case of multiple contracts/libraries in a file, use name of core contract/library.


pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

// Owned.sol
contract Owned {
   address public owner;
   constructor() public {
      owner = msg.sender;
   modifier onlyOwner {
   function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner {


pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

// Congress.sol
import "./Owned.sol";

contract Congress is Owned, TokenRecipient {
  • Struct Names

    − Use CapWords Style like SmartCoin.
  • Event Names

    − Use CapWords Style like Deposit, AfterTransfer.
  • Function Names

    − Use mixedCase Style like initiateSupply.
  • Local and State variables

    − Use mixedCase Style like creatorAddress, supply.
  • Constants

    − Use all capital letters with underscore to seperate words like MAX_BLOCKS.
  • Modifier Names

    − Use mixCase Style like onlyAfter.
  • Enum Names

    − Use CapWords Style like TokenGroup.