Solidity - Restricted Access


Restricted Access to a Contract is a common practice. By Default, a contract state is read-only unless it is specified as public.

We can restrict who can modify the contract's state or call a contract's functions using modifiers. We will create and use multiple modifiers as explained below −

  • onlyBy − once used on a function then only the mentioned caller can call this function.

  • onlyAfter − once used on a function then that function can be called after certain time period.

  • costs − once used on a function then caller can call this function only if certain value is provided.


pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract Test {
   address public owner = msg.sender;
   uint public creationTime = now;

   modifier onlyBy(address _account) {
         msg.sender == _account,
         "Sender not authorized."
   function changeOwner(address _newOwner) public onlyBy(owner) {
      owner = _newOwner;
   modifier onlyAfter(uint _time) {
         now >= _time,
         "Function called too early."
   function disown() public onlyBy(owner) onlyAfter(creationTime + 6 weeks) {
      delete owner;
   modifier costs(uint _amount) {
         msg.value >= _amount,
         "Not enough Ether provided."
      if (msg.value > _amount)
         msg.sender.transfer(msg.value - _amount);
   function forceOwnerChange(address _newOwner) public payable costs(200 ether) {
      owner = _newOwner;
      if (uint(owner) & 0 == 1) return;        